Sunday, October 16
gratitude. blessings.

help me to trust.
Wednesday, October 12
leaving will be tough.
if God were to call me to leave my work place and to go into the missions field for a year, leaving will be so difficult. would i be courageous enough to take that step of faith, from being in my comfort zone to stepping into a whole new untravelled journey? would i be able to say goodbye to the friends i've made in office, the youths and friends i have in church, my friends in yfc and school days and my family who has always been by my side? after a year, many things would have changed. that's quite scary isn't it? now i probably understand how friends who go for studies overseas feel.... when i come back, how would things have changed? would people change too? for good or for bad? i think i will surely cry, especially knowing that i will really miss the people here and i have to say goodbye. things will never really be the same again. i don't know why, but these thoughts seem like reality somehow. i can almost imagine the tough goodbye hugs and words. when will He call me to go?getting up on monday morning was one of the toughest things. not all mondays are like that, just that this week's monday was one such monday. went to work feeling tired and all and feeling like i never got enough sleep. on monday morning when i reached work, i guess vic could tell that i was tired. he asked me why i looked so tired, and he pointed to the note i pasted on my computer, "hey, see what you wrote there, thank God it's monday leh!" it's interesting how God used him to remind me of God and to have an attitude of thankfulness. today he asked me about which day i was in my twenty six day journey. it's the eleventh day. haven't gotten much insights or clear direction though. it's really not easy.
looking forward to saturday's time with God and euns. gona spend time with God at a nice cafe, to be still, to read the Bible, to rest in Him. to spend time with a friend who loves the Lord so much and who inspires me to do likewise. it's really wonderful being with such friends. in cellgroup last week, we learnt about how important friends are. especially those who spur one another on towards love and good deeds and towards loving the Lord. thank You Lord for giving me so many friends like that. you, you and you are 3 such people. thank you friend, for giving me the courage to share about God openly and freely with our secondary school friend. seeing the way you talked so openly and sincerely and lovingly about what God has been teaching you gave me the courage to share as well. now i understand what it means when friends spur one another on to love and good deeds. it's so true.
spent yesterday night with ada. dinner and chatting. she's one who is touched by the word of God. Lord, help her to grow up into a woman after your own heart.
a friend messaged me, about her struggles. girl, don't give up. learn to let go and forgive yourself as how God would forgive. we are really free from guilt. believe that. His blood has paid it all. our sins, past, present and future have all been forgiven. that's the power of His blood. believe it. in your heart.
a modern day Boaz, that's what i'm looking for. thank you jj for sending that article to me. it spoke lots.
help me to trust.
Monday, October 3
twenty six days.
am embarking on a 26-day journey, of spending at least 15 minutes with God each day to seek His will for my life. a goal to work towards, which is from Him. where i can centre my life and my decisions around. where i can prepare myself for what He calls me to do. i give You my life, in full surrender, in utter dependence, in reckless abandonment. all for You Jesus. all for You.
help me to trust.