Monday, September 28
do hard things.

In James 1:2, we’re told to consider it “pure joy” when we’re faced with challenges, trials, and obstacles, because they test our faith and makes us stronger. Think about that. The God who created you and loves you cares about your growth — and the way He has designed you to grow is through challenges.

It’s just like the way your muscles grow stronger when you work out and the way your brain grows new neurons when it is challenged. You grow stronger, in both character and competence, when you do hard things.

In order to do hard things we need to get over the idea that God’s love means He wants us to go through life with as little effort or discomfort as possible. This is similar to the mistaken notion that we don’t need to change because God loves us just the way we are. God does love us just the way we are, but He also loves us too much to leave us the way we are. He wants us to grow.

Of course, none of this is to say that God wants us to live joyless and pain-filled lives, but it’s a joy that’s rooted in more than our temporary circumstances, and at times
pain is necessary in order to gain something of greater value.

-Alex and Brett Harris

help me to trust.

Saturday, September 26
a simple lifestyle.

i realized how much it takes to support a family of five.

be wise in spending.
be thrifty.
i'm going to learn that.

you could help me by not asking me to eat at expensive places.


help me to trust.

Monday, September 21
brought closer

friends are friends forever
if the Lord's the Lord of them.

it brought us three closer.




man looks at the outward apprearance.
but God looks at the heart.

different lives.
different stories.
one end.

help me to trust.

Sunday, September 20
jeremiah 9:23-24

Thus saith the LORD,
"Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom,
neither let the mighty man glory in his might,
let not the rich man glory in his riches:
But let him that glorieth glory in this,

that he understandeth and knoweth me,
that I am the LORD which exercise lovingkindness,
judgment, and righteousness, in the earth:
for in these things I delight,"
saith the LORD.

jeremiah 9:23-24

help me to trust.

Wednesday, September 16
carelessness can kill. this year.

thank God my family is safe and our house is not burnt.
it's by God's grace.

imagine the worst that could have happened.....
my house could have been burnt down.
i could have killed someone in my family....

i am so careless.
today spilt milo all over my table and floor and onto a bit of her laptop.
today i dropped otah while wanting to put it into the bin.
today i forgot to turn off the stove. it was on from morning 9am till 1030pm at night.

thank God nothing happened.......
let go, move on.

this year.
share the day. (((:
joanna, seok kheng, matthew, aunty puah meng, wei loon.

cd with 95 sermons! waa.
and a lovely card with my name and jeremiah 9:23-24 printed on it.

princess day.
chocolates and movie and cushion.
mushroom and fries.

jane's prayer for sherlyn.
ephesians 3:16-19
choc cookies!

nice scotchtape.
loving words which touched my heart.
see you above.
jeremiah 33:3

surprise visit with chocolate brownie.
picture of us four.
placed in my office at my table.

phil trail with a surprise.

card, biscuits.
godliness with contentment is great gain.

bread and cute file and mouse pad.

another cute file, clips, cards, words.
things i like.
love put into shredding the carrot to bake the carrot muffin.

handmade flower.
green envelope.

talked with aunty sl.
she prayed for me.
she's so Godly.... so full of love inside.
thank God for her.

facebook wishes.
sms greetings.
from people i never expected would remember.

cow birthday card.

angbaos. and angbaos.

sunday school teacher who never forgets.
ever since i was a little kid....
every year without fail.

birthday songs.

joe's kitchen.
durian cake.
black top.

crystal jade.
best chicken soup ever.
friends. time together.
their hearts need Him....

little miss busy yellow t shirt.

bottle umbrella.

journal book.

i thank God for all of you in my life.
for showing me what it means to love.
to care.
to share.

today, ice cream story with jo.
it was absolutely funny.

saw jj at bugis today.
hee. she's one of the friends i always bump into.
on the bus, east coast park, bugis traffic light
and other places which i forgot.

the power of prayer.
her amazing weekend.

did i do my best to live for truth?
did i live my life for You?
You're my life when life is gone.

yay! i got my organizer for year 2010!!!

help me to trust.

Sunday, September 13
so short.

what if God takes them away?

help me to trust.

Saturday, September 12
He increases strength.

they who wait for the Lord
shall run and not be weary.
they shall walk and not faint.

do not grow weary.


help me to trust.

Wednesday, September 9
beauty of the music inside.

Dr Walton said, “There is the same kind of beauty in a good old face that there is in an old church.” You can’t say the church is so trim and neat as it was in the day that the first blast of the organ filled it with a living soul. The carving is not quite so sharp; the timbers are not quite so clean. There is a good deal of mould and worm-eating and cobwebs about the old place. Yet both you and I think it more beautiful now than it was then. Well, I believe it is, as nearly as possible, the same with an old face. It has got stained, and weather-beaten, and worn, but if the organ of truth has been playing on inside the temple of the Lord, which St. Paul says our bodies are, there is in the old face, though both form and complexion are gone, just the beauty of the music inside. The wrinkles and the brownness can’t spoil it. A light shines through it all – that of the indwelling spirit. I wish we all grew old like old churches.

-by George MacDonald

help me to trust.

Wednesday, September 2
brokenness. repentance. courage.

from the book, "Jacob. The fools God chooses." by David Roper.


I asked the Lord that I may grow
in faith and love and every grace.
Might more of His salvation know,
and seek more earnestly His face.

Twas He who taught me thus to pray,
and He I trust has answered prayer,
But it has been in such a way
as almost drove me to despair.

I thought that in some favored hour,
at once He'd answer my request,
And by His love's transforming power,
subdue my sins and give me rest.

Instead of that He made me feel
the hidden evils of my heart,
And bade the angry powers of hell
assault my soul in every part.

"Lord, why this?" I trembling cried.
"Wilt Thou pursue this worm to death?"
"This the way," the Lord replied,
"I answer prayer for grace and faith.

These inward trials I employ
from sin and self to set thee free,
And cross thy schemes of earthly joy
that thou might find thy all in Me."

-John Newton

and so, if of late you have begun to glimpse "the hidden evils of [your] heart," if you have discovered yourself capable of sins you never thought possible, if you have begun to loathe yourself, take heart. God is dealing with you, exposing the sham-person you are so He can begin to make you into the real person He has envisioned from eternity. He has begun a work that He will not abandon until you are presented faultless before His presence with exceeding joy (jude 24).


take heart.

"on the road to Calvary" - it was painful. reading it. it pierced.
i guess that's how it is when God wants to deal with the sins of His children.

break me.

help me to trust.