Monday, March 28
staying late in office really forces me to trust in God and God alone. it's scary being the only one left and having to turn off all the lights. it's the second time today and i have grown braver i think...... though still a little afraid. called a friend the first time. today i just quickly turned off everything and zoomed down. it was a little scary today cos i walked to the front entrance and realised it was locked. so had to walk back to the side entrance to get out. first time seeing the community centre so dark. thank you Lord for bringing me home safely. my room is the only place that is not scary at night. thank you Lord for providing me a home to live in, a bed to sleep on and a blanket to keep me warm. (:
help me to trust.
Sunday, March 27
kites taught me many lessons.
help me to trust.
Wednesday, March 23
she's belongs to You.
it's so painful losing a little one.yet she learnt to put her hope and faith in God.
brought tears to my eyes reading that she knows it's not a judgement from God, but that God cries and weeps along with them as well.
God, comfort this child of yours.
embrace her with Your love.
help me to trust.
Sunday, March 20
thoughts. reflections. thanksgiving.
God provided just enough manna for each day of this week.i not only survived, but i also enjoyed the different things i was involved in. all came out well, or even, better than i expected. sd retreat - hearing the learnings of others. youth leaders retreat - spending lotsa time with the older youths who are filled with so much love and care for each other and with sensitive hearts towards God. they were so open in sharing their hearts. i've learnt a lot from them. and it's so lovely having diak-est kolega and pastor at the retreat. (: though physically tired, i feel spiritually refreshed. God, you're working in all our lives. kites - they taught me a lot today.
yesterday night while waiting for wei to prepare her thoughts for today's silent retreat with the youths, i decided to write down some things to thank God for during this youth leaders retreat. and surprisingly, it turned out to be a good long list:
1. thank God for yew kiat who surprised us on saturday morning with tea and coffee and curry puffs for all of us. pastor shane said, 'no wonder he kept asking me how many people were at the retreat the previous night'.
2. thank God for the chat with ada while on the way back to church after steamboat. found out more about her family and got to know her more too.
3. thank God that i was able to meet up with jess during the week to prepare for the devotion. thank God for her willingness! good job jess!
4. thank God for wei who came over to help me pack stuff. made packing less tiring and dreadsome. ryan and mum helped too.
5. thank God for pastor shane, wayne and josh who made us breakfast. sausages and eggs.
6. thank God for the short time of singing with mark and wei at the church playground last night. mark chose for us to sing the songs 'still' & 'amazing grace'.
7. thank God for the fun time running through the little fountain at bugis with jan and dillon.
8. thank God for charissa who helped me with buying balloons and for the soya beancurd treat.
9. thank God for joshua who has a heart of mercy and who wrote to jess to not be afraid to pray out loud.
10. thank God for the gift of evangelism You have given to janice. she has brought many friends to the saving knowledge of Christ - ihsuan, lester. and from them, inung, aunty sabrina, si wei. the hearts of these people - lasts for eternity.
10. thank God for the beautiful moon yesterday night. it was one of the most amazing moon i ever saw. there was a bright huge ring which surrounded the moon. very very beautiful. "every star and every planet has been fashioned by Your hand. all creation holds together, by the power of Your word."
12. thank God for wayne and ada who are really cute. they have same elephants on their phones. and he hand sewed a wallet for her and for himself.
13. thank God for the friendship of the girls who grew up together in church with so much memories that brings laughter each time they talk about it.
14. thank God for the little conversations here and there i had with wei throughout the retreat.
glory to God. in the highest. in the highest. glory forever amen.
Lord, please be with him. ian, this child of yours. be with his mum, be with his family. Lord, it's really so heartwarming to hear how Your word spoke to him at a whole new level of understanding. i pray that aunty will know that she is loved. and Lord, help her to know that she's not only loved by her family, but even more so, that she is loved by the Kings of kings, the only true and awesome God. Lord, give ian many more chances and opportunities to show actions and speak words of love to His mum. and may He hold these times close to his heart always. Lord, be with him. comfort him, give him courage and strength in You.
help me to trust.
Thursday, March 17
God, i need strength...
help me to trust.
cabs and drive thru.
thank God for cabs and drive thru mcdonalds. (:
help me to trust.
Monday, March 14
words of affirmation.
just received many words of affirmation from a motivates me to keep going.
to know that God is indeed using me wherever He has placed me.
thankful to God for this pleasant and timely surprise of words of affirmation.
those words made my day.
she's matured.
grown up to be a lovely girl.
a God fearing and God loving girl she is.
thank You God for answering her prayer.
for those who love You, You give them the desires of their hearts.
thank You for the many many ways You are speaking to her.
lessons about treasuring each person that comes along her way.
lessons about understanding herself for who You have made her to be.
special. unique.
thank You Lord, for the freedom You have given her to love.
to put the past behind her and to move on in hope, in anticipation, in willingness.
a heart that beats with Yours.
that's her heart.
help me to trust.
Wednesday, March 9
your day.

happy birthday sx. it's your birthday today. (: miss you lots.
help me to trust.
Tuesday, March 8
love of a husband.
he kept telling himself, "i can't let go, i must keep awake, i must keep conscious because she can't be alone. she can't be alone. she can't be alone. my dad just passed away, i can't go now. she can't be alone."that's the love of a husband.
he teaches me how to smile and laugh even in difficult times.
help me to trust.
Sunday, March 6
conversations with friends.
who would have thought that one day, just one day, the usual conversations with friends would turn into conversations about CPF, housing policies and regulations, writing wills, income tax, children, wedding rings, marriage, traveling, parents-in-law. such high level conversations seem to be coming up pretty frequently nowadays.... what happened to our old conversations of teachers, cca, exams? i guess it's all part and parcel of growing up... that's how we tell we're growing old. the topics of discussion during meals.
help me to trust.