Thursday, September 30
masking tapes.
i walked into made with love with the strong determination that i will not buy anything.i walked out of made with love with the conclusion that my strong determination wasn't as strong as i thought it was.
thirteen unfinished rolls of masking tape/scotch tape in my drawer.
now i have one more.
ten dollars poorer.
nice masking tapes - things i cant resist buying.
happy birthday to two friends in office.
help me to trust.
Wednesday, September 29
shelter me.

sometimes i just feel like there's a whole load of responsibilities upon my shoulder that i end up doing none of them well. everyone's tired. me too. but who will take up the responsibilities that i have now if i don't continue doing them? i need to let go of some things. but who am i to ask to take up the things that i need to let go? is that imposing on them? Lord, tell me what to do........ all joy is lost in doing all these. yes, it's good to serve the Lord, but how much can i take physically and mentally?
Lord, give me joy, keep me strong. help me only listen to the voice of truth.... and not to entertain these defeating thoughts..... i have been choosing to ignore the tiredness and the stress that comes along. but on this night, i am unable to continue ignoring it. i come to You... please. give me a break Lord. it's easy for people to leave, but why do i find it so hard to let go? it's indeed discouraging when people decide to leave, to stop serving. but i know i can't let my emotions be dependent on people. Lord, teach me to look to You and You only. Lord. i really need You.... shelter me.
help me to trust.
Tuesday, September 28
thank you girls.

help me to trust.
Wednesday, September 22
a higher calling.

this is my desire -
to honor You.
Lord i give You my heart
i give You my soul
i live for You alone.
love east timor.
help me to trust.
Monday, September 20
how am i gona survive this week?falling ill.
help me to trust.
Friday, September 17
riding on elephants.
visited her on a rainy day.
help me to trust.
Monday, September 13
red. yellow. friends.

help me to trust.
Friday, September 10
help me live like this.
singly His.undivided heart.
wholly devoted.
to love you as i should, i must worship God as Creator.
to love you as i should, i must worship God as Sovereign.
to love you as i should, i must worship God as Saviour.
then we can love people the way God loves them.
she showed me what it means to put others interest before her own. love that gives. sacrifices.
who you tell yourself you are has a very powerful impact on the way you deal with the big and small issues of daily life. in the same way, where you find your identity will have everything to do with how you respond to the hard work of relationships with others. either i get my identity vertically, out of my sense of who God is and who he has made me in Christ, or i will seek to get my identity horizontally, out of my circumstances, relationships, and successes. when we live out of a sense of who we are in Christ, we live our lives based on all we have been given by Christ. this keeps us from seeking to get those things from the people and situations around us. much of the disappointment and heartache we experience is the result of our attempts to get something from relationships that we already have in Christ. no human being was ever meant to be the source of personal joy and contentment for someone else. your spouse, your friends, and your children cannot be the sources of your identity. only when i have sought my identity in the proper place am i able to put you in the proper place as well. when i relate to you knowing that i am God's child and the recipient of his grace, i am able to serve and love you. however if i am seeking to get identity from you, i will watch you too closely, listen to you too intently, and need you too fundamentally. i will ride the roller coaster of your best and worst moments and everything in between. and because i am watching you too closely, i will become acutely aware of your weaknesses and failures. i will become overly critical, frustrated, disappointed, hopeless, and angry. i will be angry not because you are a sinner, but because you have failed to deliver the one thing i seek from you: identity.
-adapted from relationships a mess worth making
Lord, help me find my identity in You and You only.
help me to trust.
Wednesday, September 1
first birthday.

help me to trust.
Your hands.
when my world is shakingheaven stands
when my heart is breaking
i never leave Your hands
Your hands
Your hands that shaped the world
are holding me
they hold me still
help me to trust.