Wednesday, May 26
infinite debt.
the God who held Himself apart from defilementhad to become defilement itself
and pay the infinite debt
for infinite rebellion.
-R.C Sproul
help me to trust.
Monday, May 24
losing a loved one.
life is just a mist.... a today and gone tomorrow.
there was no chance for last words.
no chance for a final goodbye.
suddenly when a loved one is taken away,
one is caught off guard.
when the truth sets in,
in the deadly silence of the night,
that's when the tears will flow.
that's when the memories will come back.
that's when the regrets and questions will surface.
that's when all one can do is to cry uncontrollably.
years and years of pain.
which even time can never take away.
things that she likes to eat.
things that she keeps in her room at home.
places that they have been together.
conversations they have shared.
laughter they have had.
meals they ate together.
all these things will bring back an aching pain
deep in the hearts of her family and friends.
Lord, comfort M, comfort her family...
be near to them dear Lord....
in those moments of sorrow.
quietly and gently let them know
that You are carrying them through.
help me to trust.
Friday, May 21
three pictures.

wedding. rainbow.
friends. togetherness.

heart. loves.
help me to trust.
Thursday, May 20
what faith can do.
song that a friend sent me.
surprise birthday dinner for bj. (:
she's such an inspiration.
something like the modern day of Paul in the Bible.
she has a deep love for the Word of God.
and spends alot of time studying God's word.
a great encouragement to many.
played badminton with friends. (:
had a good exercise.
reminds me of sec sch days.
arms aching a little though.
help me to trust.
Tuesday, May 18
writing and receiving.

writing and receiving letters are nice. (: (:
help me to trust.
Monday, May 17
twenty fourth floor.
thank you Lord for healing jo.she's much better already.
God answers prayers...
through the difficult time,
she learns lessons from the Lord.
about how our lives are in His hands.
relieved to know that a friend is feeling better. (:
help me to trust.
Saturday, May 15
sugar cane with plum.
it's been eight days since i first started work. and there are so many things to thank God for. i was so nervous about my first day of work, but my first day turned out much much much better than i expected. in fact, i enjoyed that day. (: and that's because of the many friendly people i met. haha. let me introduce some of them to you.... (:H:
she's like the mother of our department. she introduced me to some nice plain crackers! and she likes to walk the longer way to the mrt cos she likes to see the plants that grow by the side. she's a great fan of "muah otah". haha. and she'll always be the one who calls admin department when the 10 floor lights go out. one of her fave shops is purple rose. it's a shop that sells cakes and stuff imported from israel. oh, and she treated all of us to a very yummy chocolate cake from awfully chocolate. she's the one who gets people to fix our spoilt toilet bowl and our photocopying machine. the office runs well cos she takes time to take care of such things. she makes sure we all have umbrellas when we go out and it seems like it might rain. she's receives alot alot of calls from ppl in office everyday. i think she's quite popular. oh, and she has been here for more than 10 years!!! she stays in simei, and travels everyday to buona vista. waa. and about once or twice a week, she'll skip lunch and go to the gym instead to keep fit. she tells lynette to trust God.
she's also a long long long time staff. she has been given the "Ms Jolly" award, and i think that title suits her perfectly. her laughter is contagious! she sits beside me and when she laughs, i can't help but to smile to myself and start to laugh too. she talks to her computer when she's doing work on it and some comments she makes really make me laugh.... i think she knows alot about the work. cos she's got alot of responsibilities on her hand... she seems to have to do alot of important presentations to external people... she likes to drink teh alia... though she's busy with lotsa things, when i ask her for help, she always responds with a smile. i think she's quite a good cook... and she likes veggies i think... cos during our sandwich party, she brought alot of veggies. haha. and she even went to write and stick the name of the veggies on the containers cos shan and i didn't know the names of some of the veggies.... the mushroom she made was yum yum yum. when i had my first job responsibility and i was totally unsure about it, she helped me with it and explained it so well to me.
she's the foodie! she knows all about where to get good food. her taste buds are pretty good, and she can tell if the food/drink is up to standard or not. so if you wana know if a dish is good, just gotta ask her. she's very creative. tim tam induction - i think it was her idea. she's a mummy of 2 kids. a 3 year old boy and baby girl. she loves them alot! everyday without fail she'll do her motherly duty. haha. she loves her husband alot too. she'll always look to him for direction and advice. she listens to christian songs in the morning before other staff comes in and she sings along with the song. the last song i heard she played was "we are the reason". she likes herbal ricola sweets! she's someone who talks so naturally about her faith. it's like, when you meet her and hear her talk, you'll definitely know that God is her best friend. that's something that i wana learn from her. and even in her difficult search for a helper, she chooses to pray for direction and to trust in God to provide. she had lotsa problems with her emails recently, but i have never heard her being irritated about it. even when she calls the IT department to 'complain' about the problem, she does it super politely and with a smile. when she picks up phonecalls in office, and says, "hello, L speaking." i'm very sure that the person on the other line can hear the joy in her voice. i'll miss her when she moves to another department...
she's very friendly. every morning when she comes into office, she'll say "morning!", accompanied with a huge smile. she's very thoughtful. once she drove to work and offered to drive us out to eat. she parked her car quite far away so she left earlier to walk over there to drive the car nearer to our office to pick us up. then she dropped us off at the eating place and went to park the car in the carpark on her own. and after lunch, she dropped us back at office and went to park her car at another further away car park. so nice. she's a vegetarian, opposite of me. and her husband became a vegetarian because of her. so sweet hor. i think she likes bubble tea cos i saw her drinking a cup. she gave me toblerone chocolate! she catches things very fast cos when lynette was explaining the handover notes to us, she can understand everything very quickly... whereas i'm still blur blur...
i just got to know her and she's leaving already. she's going overseas for a few months and then considering becoming a teacher. her hairstyle and dressing style is quite cool i must say. ha. she has a one of a kind laughter. you can recognize it from afar... and every time she talks, her smile is super wide.... i can't imagine her being angry. she's the powerpoint expert! she can use powerpoint to make slides that look like they are done with some other professional program. i saw her portfolio of art work. waaa. amazing. she can draw, can paint, can colour, can sketch. she took art as a subject i think. reminds me of wei. and she even sews stuff. such a pity that i can't get to know her better, but i'm still thankful that God brought us together for a short short while. from the bali pictures, i can tell that she's super adventurous! she tries all the extreme sports! i hope she knows Christ one day....
he's the only guy in our department. as such, he's always the centre of attraction and being 'bullied' by the rest of the girls. he's a computer expert i heard.... he helped me with my password problem. i didn't have to say much and he immediately could solve my problem! amazing. he seems to be always training other people on how to use some computer program. i don't really know him much actually. but i think he's quite friendly and laughy too.
that's our boss. she's so different from the day i met her at the first interview. she looked pretty fierce and scary. it's only until i started work that i realize that she's actually very friendly and funny too. she goes to the gym early in the morning before work to keep fit! she likes to crack jokes and make all of us laugh. she's also very understanding in helping me get used to work. i'm still kinda nervous when i talk to her, i think because she's the boss afterall. she has soooo many meetings to attend everyday and i think she receives thousands of emails each day. she must be superwoman to be able to manage all that stuff. she told me that if i had any problems, i can just approach her. she allowed me to go for church camp! yayyys. she has got verses and christian quotes pasted around her office space. i noticed that when i went to meet her for my first supervision!
my buddy!! :D :D :D there are so many things about her that i'm so thankful to God for. :D she's always assuring and comforting me when i'm feeling nervous about things. and i know that whenever i need someone to talk to, she's always there, just a few tables away. she's very sincere and helpful and very very patient. she helped me with so many things. we played captain's ball and outdoor badminton too. she knows Jesus and she's very sensitive to what God is teaching her. she also realizes things that God wants her to change in her life, and she works on them. on the outside, she looks cool and zai. inside, she has a gentle heart for people... to touch their lives, to love them. from the home-cooked food she brings for lunch, i think she has a mum who cooks good and healthy food.. she helps me eat my veggies. (: and she's yeeli's friend's sister! the one that yeeli told me about when she heard i got the job. she likes taking pictures and she lets me play with her slr camera. i like the 'click' sound that slrs make when a picture is taken. she likes tortoises. i know she likes toy tortoises, but i'm not too sure if she likes real ones though. she has a family of five toy tortoises on her table. and there's one tortoise that's from a different species. when i'm bored, i'll just go over to squeeze those tortoises. i took a pic of the family of tortoises... i'll post it up here one day. i think she likes drinking coffee... saw her making coffee a few times. she has the nice starbucks tumbler that i've been wanting to get. actually, almost everyone there has the starbucks tumbler. she likes sugar cane with plum. and she treated us to sugar cane juice! (: there's this nice scenic view from our office that she showed me. she used to go there to look at the scenery. her table has alot of interesting stuff. like a heart shaped thingy that says something like, "friends of the same feather shop together." and she never realized that until i read it to her. i always disturb her by going over to her side, and she'll patiently talk to me, which brings a joyful heart. sometimes she'll walk over just to say hi. i think i'll be a little lonely on days that she's on leave. she serves God as cg leader of her church sec school youths. dear Lord, keep her well, keep her knowing You more and loving You more. thank You Lord, for her. :D :D :D
there's a temp staff with us, s, i hope to be able to share Christ with her one day.... dear God, give me opportunity....
waa. sucha long entry about my friends at work. (:
so much to say about them!
work will be coming in realllll soon... Lord, help me glorify You in work. to work for You and not for man.
help me to trust.
Tuesday, May 11
the healer.
hs. (:
lovely team of people.
Lord, You are the healer.
please watch over her and heal her.......
help me to trust.
Tuesday, May 4
new things.
new new new new people to share Christ with.
new place to shine for Christ.
new areas of ministering to people and touching lives.
new experiences of God being with me.
new situations where God would be magnified.
while there are new things to be dreadful and afraid of,
there are also new things to look forward to and to be grateful for. (:
Lord, change my perspective.
help me to trust.