Wednesday, October 21
when things are not clearGOD is still near.
help me to trust.
Sunday, October 18
don't be afraid.

help me to trust.
Sunday, October 11
God's grace.
Your worst days are never so badthat you are beyond the reach of God's grace.
And your best days are never so good
that you are beyond the need of God's grace.
help me to trust.
Sunday, October 4
God provides.
God provides.problem one: i was planning for church youth session and i decided to add in a quiz. i thought it would be a nice incentive to give them something for getting the answers right. i was kinda disappointed because by the time i finished preparing for it, it was too late to go out to get the prizes.
God's provision: just before the session today, jean came up to me with a packet of chocolates she got from the US. she said it was with her for quite some time just that she forgot to bring it for the youths. it's amazing that when i was just hoping that there were prizes for the quiz, God provided at a very timely moment.
problem two: today i told pastor shane, jean, wei, that the youth camp speaker i asked hasn't gotten back to me. the youth pastor that pastor shane asked also hasn't gotten back to him. i was just about to give up waiting and to find my own solution to the problem by maybe asking another person.
God's provision: when i got home, the youth camp speaker i asked replied to say that he'll be willing to take the sessions! it's a lesson to learn about waiting for God's time and not to seek my own solutions to problems.
it's true when people say that in serving God, we come to experience God for who He is. we also come to depend on Him like never before. God will show His power, and our faith in God grows.
happy birthday shan.
i'll miss your presence at home while you're in the army.
help me to trust.