Monday, August 24
the past.

help me to trust.
Sunday, August 23
talked to her :D :D :D
help me to trust.
Friday, August 21
five page letter.nice paper.
words of courage.
choc fudge cake for breakfast.
i love 不要放弃cd.
lifts me up each time i hear it.
missed lunch with wednesday.
she thought it was thursday.
i thought it was friday. :(
making spaghetti together.
raspberry cookies.
offered a taxi ride early in the morning.
ride home.
milk pen.
causeway point.
God is Jehovah Jireh.
provides for my needs through unexpected people.
milo and blueberry.
treat at imm hongkong cafe.
give me a pure heart.
a good conscience.
a sincere faith.
help me to trust.
Monday, August 17
others first.
Make Me A Channel Of Your PeaceMake me a channel of Your peace
Where there is hatred, let me bring Your love
Where there is injury, Your pardon Lord
And where there's doubt, true faith in You
Oh Master, grant that I may never seek
So much to be consoled as to console
To be understood, as to understand
To be loved, as to love with all my soul
Make me a channel of Your peace
Where there's despair in life let me bring hope
Where there is darkness - only light
And where there's sadness, ever joy
Make me a channel of Your peace
It is in pardoning that we are prdoned
In giving to all men that we recieve
And in dying that we're born to eternal life
help me to trust.
Sunday, August 16
broken glass.

help me to trust.
Saturday, August 15
alone time.
seeing people read God's word and spending time alone with Him encourages me alot alot... :D feel so glad for them, that they can sit quietly and listen to God, meditate on His word, and to rest in Him...... dear God help me draw nearer to You in prayer.... to have a heart that loves to talk to You and loves to hear You speak.... prayer... something i find so hard to do. but it's really that simple.... talking to our Father. pouring out our hearts. help me too dear Lord, to love reading Your word everyday. everyday.
help me to trust.
Tuesday, August 11
it scares me - much.
i came to a deeper understanding of what hell really is....i don't even know how to describe how i felt when i read the description......
"eternal separation will be a state of total hopelessness and emptiness, away from God, away from anything good or pure that represents God in His glory. man will therefore live in a permanent state of total evil and sin. man will be experiencing selfishness, arrogance, dissensions, violence, hatred, insolence, immorality and all evil - sin in its full extent."
deep sorrow..... immense pain.... fear......
as i remember so many of those i love who would be living like this if they do not know God......
time is short.... the paw of death crawls over us.
we'll never know when it comes - death.
while they're living, while they're with us...
this is our only chance.....
it's urgent....
they need Jesus.....
help me to trust.
Monday, August 10
only love perseveres.

help me to trust.