Friday, July 31
let go.
jesus take the wheel
take it from my hands.
cos i can't do this on my own.
i'm letting go.
help me to trust.
Tuesday, July 28
fifty five.
the cost - fifty five that i can be there for 10 aug yfc event.
and to be around for youth bible quiz on 9 aug.
i should have thought through carefully before deciding to go ahead for bangkok trip.
having some second thoughts now...
two important words.
get well soon girl.
help me to trust.
Sunday, July 26

help me to trust.
Thursday, July 23
no condemnation.
just when i have prayed and committed and asked God to help me in a particular area in life, soon after, satan catches me unaware, and i end up in a situation, doing the very thing that i didn't want to do. satan laughs. i can get discouraged and think that i have failed again. but that's a lie. the truth is - there is NO condemnation for those in Christ Jesus. each day is a new day. a new me. a new start. a new clean sheet. there is no condemnation. amen.
help me to trust.
Wednesday, July 22
choose to rejoice.
if the only things we focus on are the doom and gloom our present circumstances bring us, then we'll wallow in the mud. the mud will cloud our vision, skew our focus, and make us forget that the sun still shines above us. but if we make the choice to rejoice and keep looking up, when we hit the inevitable mud puddle, our shoes might be a little dirty, but it will not affect the way we see life.-lysa terkeurst
help me to trust.
Tuesday, July 21
ecp with jo.

this robot is tired
but holds a flower of hope.
thanks jo,
for today.
enjoyed chatting with you.
reading the Bible while enjoying the sea breeze.
seeing people catch fish.
relationships like this keeps me going
even though i'm tired.
i've realized.
it's easier to get discouraged
if one doesn't have enough sleep.
do wish for a rest.
but it seems like there is always
an endless list of urgent things to do.
choose to rejoice. (:
choose to rejoice. (:
help me to trust.
Monday, July 20
to think about.
sometimes as i walk along each day, in shops, or listening to something, or reading something, once in a while, God allows me to come across interesting quotes. here are some i saved in my handphone. ((: hope it's enjoyable to read.
find hope through faith.
peace through prayer.
life through Jesus.
trials are not enemies of faith
but are opportunities
to prove God's faithfulness.
life with Christ is an endless hope.
but life without Christ is a hopeless end.
the israelites felt helpless
because they saw the giant in relationship to themselves.
but David saw the giant in relationship to God.
the key is not our talents
but the cultivating of our hearts
so when God does work through us
we offer the praise to Him and let others know
it was God who accomplished the work.
lessons to learn from noah's ark:
don't miss the boat.
remember that we are all in the same boat.
plan ahead, it wasn't raining when Noah built the ark.
stay fit. when you are 600 years old, someone may ask you to do something really big.
don't listen to critics, just get on with the job that needs to be done.
build your future on high ground.
for safety's sake, travel in pairs.
speed isn't always an advantage, the snails were on board with the cheetahs.
when you are stressed, float a while.
remember the ark was built by amateurs, the titanic by professionals.
find hope through faith.
peace through prayer.
life through Jesus.
trials are not enemies of faith
but are opportunities
to prove God's faithfulness.
life with Christ is an endless hope.
but life without Christ is a hopeless end.
the israelites felt helpless
because they saw the giant in relationship to themselves.
but David saw the giant in relationship to God.
the key is not our talents
but the cultivating of our hearts
so when God does work through us
we offer the praise to Him and let others know
it was God who accomplished the work.
lessons to learn from noah's ark:
don't miss the boat.
remember that we are all in the same boat.
plan ahead, it wasn't raining when Noah built the ark.
stay fit. when you are 600 years old, someone may ask you to do something really big.
don't listen to critics, just get on with the job that needs to be done.
build your future on high ground.
for safety's sake, travel in pairs.
speed isn't always an advantage, the snails were on board with the cheetahs.
when you are stressed, float a while.
remember the ark was built by amateurs, the titanic by professionals.
no matter the storm, when you are with God,
there's always a rainbow waiting.
help me to trust.
love it.

help me to trust.
Sunday, July 19
not quickly broken.
there is so much to thank God for if we were to take time, to pause, and to notice them.thank God for church youths.
it's amazing.
God answered our prayers.
they shared in their groups.
they prayed.
they had fun too.
He provided uncle ivan to get food for the youths.
i could sense God at work today.
thank God.
He has given us different gifts.
He has made us so different.
yet because of the bond of Jesus Christ we are one.
where one is weak, the other can be strong.
that's why He put us together.
same same, yet different.
Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 says:
two are better than one
because they have a good return for their work.
if one falls down
his friend can help him up.
but pity the man who falls
and has no one to help him up!
also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm.
but how can one keep warm alone?
though one may be overpowered,
two can defend themselves.
a cord of three strands is
not quickly broken.
help me to trust.
Saturday, July 18
the truth.
a cult tried to share the 'gospel' with me today.she was doing her version of 'street e'.
be careful of them.
false teachers.
they are quite forthcoming and agressive.
if we don't know our Bible well we could be swayed by their seemingly truthful ideas about God.
she could even open her Bible and show me many verses which supports her claim.
it was hard to counter what she was saying on the spot.
and she spoke with so much passion.
it puts me as a Christian to shame.
this experience has motivated me to want to study the Bible more.
and to want to share the true Gospel even more.
we need to reach the world first, before such cult groups reaches them.
we need to know the truth.
the world needs to know the truth.
for that lady who is so sincerely wrong in her belief, God, help her see the truth.
and for all those whom she spoke to, may they not be stumbled.
the truth.
know it.
and know it well.
prayer over the phone. (:
help me to trust.
Wednesday, July 15
far greater.
never forget that what you have to gain in Christ is far greater
than any loss you will be called to endure.
-neil T anderson
help me to trust.
one three nine.
if i rise on the wings of the dawnif i settle on the far side of the sea
even there Your hand will guide me
Your right hand will hold me fast
-psalm 139:9-10
help me to trust.
Tuesday, July 14
my table. table is in a H U G E mess.
i need to settle it.
i need a deadline.
last week.
i was rebuked for my procrastination.
bj told me that my procrastination has a rippling effect.
it affects the team.
it affects lives.
it affects people.
clear up your table sherlyn.
it reflects what's inside.
help me to trust.
Monday, July 13
the world of water.
thank You Lord for keeping all of us safe, both under and above the sea.looking forward to wednesday afternoon.
and thursday 3pm. city hall.
and friday 1030am. plaza sing.
and next week tue morning. east coast park.
the highlight of this trip was the turtle.
it's amazing.
the way the turtle swims in the cold waters.
so grand and majestic.
God really is a creative God.
the many many different types of fishes under the sea.
5 lawyers out of the 10 people who went.
lawyers aren't boring people eh.
holding you in prayers up to God.
help me to trust.
above the sea.

help me to trust.
Friday, July 10
the small object.

help me to trust.
Monday, July 6
by deb's photographer. wow.

help me to trust.
Saturday, July 4
emptied hands.
God wants to give us somethingbut cannot because our hands are full -
there's no where for Him to put it.
-by Saint Augustine
suffering empties our hands so that God can give us Himself -
the true treasure of life.
help me to trust.