Thursday, April 30
what an exam.
swine flu in europe :(someone found my matric card :)
exam today was totally out of point :\
help me to trust.
Monday, April 27
what happens when students get stressed.
when i was queuing to go into the 6th floor study area today, i saw this weird notice pasted on the read something like, "students are not allowed to wear any headgear or any form of covering which would hide their identity"
what a weird notice.
i was wondering why.
my friend showed me this, the reason for the notice.
studying does make students go a little crazy sometimes.
macro is just crazy.
brain overload...
my matric card..... :(
so careless.
help me to trust.
how clever of me.
my last last exam period.
and i actually lost my matric card.
great job sher.
help me to trust.
Monday, April 20
when you have no time to pray
pray for more time.
help me to trust.
Sunday, April 19
go light your world.
Tuhan adalah gembalaku, takkan kekurangan akumazmur 23:1
through the LORD's mercies we are not consumed
because His compassions fail not
they are new every morning
great is His faithfulness
lamentations 3:22-23
carry your candle, run to the darkness
seek out the hopeless, confused and torn
hold out your candle, for all to see it
take your candle, go light your world
help me to trust.
Friday, April 17
exams exams exams.

exams are TOO near.
help me to trust.
Wednesday, April 15
help me to trust.
Friday, April 10
watch the Lamb.
Watch the LambWalking on the road to Jerusalem
The time had come to sacrifice again
My two small sons
They walk beside me on the road
The reason that they came
Was to watch the lamb
Daddy, daddy
What will we see there
There's so much that we don't understand
So I told them of Moses and father Abraham
Then I said dear children watch the lamb
There will be so many in Jerusalem today
We must be sure the lamb doesn't run away
And I told them of Moses and father Abraham
Then I said dear children watch the lamb
When we reached the city
I knew something must be wrong
There were no joyful worshipers
No joyful worship songs
I stood there with my children
In the midst of angry men
Then I heard the crowd cry out
Crucify Him
We tried to leave the city
But we could not get away
Forced to play in this drama
A part I did not wish to play
Why upon this day
Were men condemned to die
Why were we standing here
Where soon they would pass by
I looked and said, even now they come
The first one cried for mercy
The people gave him none
The second man was violent
He was arrogant and loud
I still can hear his angry voice
Screaming at the crowd
Then someone said there's Jesus
I scarce believed my eyes
A man so badly beaten
He barely looked alive
Blood poured from His body
From the thorns upon His brow
Running down the cross
Falling to the ground
I watched Him as He struggled
I watched Him as He fell
The cross came down upon His back
The crowd began to yell
In that moment I felt such agony
In that moment I felt such loss
Till a Roman soldier grabbed my arm
And screamed, you, carry His cross
At first I tried to resist him
Then his hand reached for his sword
So I knelt and took the cross from the Lord
I placed it on my shoulder
And started down the street
The blood that he'd been shedding
Was running down my cheek
They led us to Golgotha
They drove nails deep in His feet and hands
Yet upon the cross I heard Him pray
Father, forgive them
Never have I seen such love in any other eyes
Into Thy hands I commend my spirit
He prayed and then He died
I stood for what seemed like years
I'd lost all sense of time
Then I felt these little hands
Holding on to mine
My children stood there weeping
I heard the oldest say
Father please forgive us
The lamb ran away
Daddy, daddy,
What have we seen here
There's so much that we don't understand
So I took them in my arms
We turned and faced the cross
Then I said dear children
Watch the Lamb
help me to trust.
Wednesday, April 8
she's gone home to be with Jesus.....
help me to trust.
no gift is too small.
i often think about that boy
when i'm feeling small.
and i worry that the work i do
means nothing at all.
take my five loaves and two fishes,
do with it as You will. i surrender.
take my fears, my inhibitions,
all my burdens, my ambitions.
You can use it all, hope it's not too small.
thank you t2 for the song.
no gift is too small.
when i'm feeling small.
and i worry that the work i do
means nothing at all.
take my five loaves and two fishes,
do with it as You will. i surrender.
take my fears, my inhibitions,
all my burdens, my ambitions.
You can use it all, hope it's not too small.
thank you t2 for the song.
no gift is too small.
help me to trust.
Monday, April 6
a visit.
=..........................(i tried to be strong.
but i couldn't.
i walked away.
to take hold of my emotions.......
a kind nurse walked over and gave me a tissue......
this act of care... seemed as if God sent her to me.....
uncle steven.
a different side of him.
a very tender and loving side...
speaking with such gentle loving care.
words of comfort and assurance.....
holding her hand...
gently stroking it...
he put nicely into place the very few strands of hair that she had left....
understanding her feelings....
telling her that elias and james are doing well...
that james has been good, diligent in doing his homework...
that elias came to visit while she was asleep and held her hand.
he wiped the tears off her eyes...
and told her that it's okay that she cannot talk. it's okay... it's okay...
she can still use her eyes, or her hands, or her head to communicate with him.
and that he will understand....
he held her hand and said, if your answer is yes, you can squeeze my hand.
so it's okay.... it's okay that you can't talk. it's okay... he said.....
he said, don't worry, the boys will be well taken care of.
he asked if she wanted to see her relatives....
aunty kia tuan moved her hands slowly and signaled no...
uncle steven assured her again, that he hasn't told her relatives...
and he'll wait for the time to be right before telling them.....
he said, if it's tiring for you to open your eyes, you can close it, because i know that even with your eyes closed, you're listening....
seeing him speak with such tender love just made tears flow uncontrollably.....
it's a moment i'll never forget...
never in this lifetime...
a moment of the love between husband and wife.
just last week, last sunday.
she was smiling.
sitting up.
saying she hopes to be at easter sunrise service.
today. today...
she needed a machine to help her breathe..
she look long heavy and hard breaths...
as if each breath took so much energy....
her eyes just looked blank....
but yet, she looked peaceful. rested.
she has Jesus.... she has Jesus....
God is by her side.
now and always.
help me to trust.
Saturday, April 4
stop grumbling.stop complaining.
be joyful.
be patient.
help me to trust.
Friday, April 3
am feeling it already.

exams are too near.
it's really coming.
am feeling all the stressful 'exams are coming' feelings already....
i'm just too slow in absorbing what i study.
why do i have so many meetings????
and so many things to plan and think about and do???
had a headache today at library.
napped a while and quickly got back to studying.
Lord, please help me still find joy in things.
recently i've not been friendly.
sometimes in my mind, it's all about 'i need to study'
until i neglect people.
my mind seems to stray away when they talk to me...
if i don't study, somehow there's a little tinge of guilt...
help me to trust.