Tuesday, March 31
study study study study.
exams are too near.
lagging behind everything.
library, you will be my second home.
study study study study.
thank you for the green backpack.
i like lots.
hope she managed to rest well yesterday night....
tetaplah berdoa.
percayalah hati-Nya.
i am not as strong as i think i am.
Sunday, March 29

Saturday, March 28
words words words.
a needless firing of wordsa different generation
a different viewpoint
words are meant to build others up
everything is permissible
but not everything is beneficial
take a neutral stand
choose not to be part of it
leave the emails unread
that's the choice
a boy with passion
lost and unsure.
Wednesday, March 25
no words.
he spoke about east timor.the youths there, the elderly there, the children, the green scenery that makes one gaze in amazement at God's creation once again.
he spoke about his heartbeat for our church to reach out more, to give more, to have people willing to go out into the mission field long term, to plant churches, to preach the word.
other churches had such concrete plans for their mission work in east timor, but we don't.
i guess it gets discouraging for him at times.
he spoke with passion, with a sincere prayer and hope that our church may grow to look outwards more.
he spoke with tears welling up.
it's burdening when a church looks only inwards...
can understand a little of how he feels.
wishing i could go there.
his passion for the youths.
wanting to build up a group of youths who learn to put Christ in the centre, to see the value of evangelism, to make disciples, to help younger christians, to reach out to their friends.
sometimes i guess he does feel at a lost too.
there are so many wishes and hopes for the youths...
you're right... he's looking too for... us.
aunty kt in hospital.
doctors seem pessimistic...
he said, in such situations, it's hardest being a pastor....
it really is........
at times he wishes he had the words to say...
but in such times, there is really nothing to say.....
he too spoke with watery eyes...
two men - sincere and Godly. with a big heart.
God's gift to our church.
her two young boys.
i wonder how they are......
J at such a young tender age, does he understand what's happening?
E at an age, understanding himself, understanding reality, understanding God, is there something in him that wants to look strong on the outside though it hurts so much inside?
she once taught me sunday school..
she was part of my childhood learning journey in knowing God.
i hope she received it.
and read it.
God.... be with them.......
Thursday, March 19
forget the channel, seeing only Him.
May the MindMay the mind of Christ, my Savior
Live in me from day to day
By His love and power controlling
All I do and say
All I do and say
May the Word of God dwell richly
In my heart from hour to hour
So that all may see I triumph
Only through His power
Only through His power
May the peace of God my Father
Rule my life in everything
That I may be calm to comfort
Sick and sorrowing
Sick and sorrowing
May the love of Jesus fill me
As the waters fill the sea
Him exalting, self abasing
This is victory
This is victory
May I run the race before me
Strong and brave to face the foe
Looking only unto Jesus
As I onward go
As I onward go
May His beauty rest upon me
As I seek the lost to win
And may they forget the channel
Seeing only Him
Seeing only Him
Monday, March 16
umbrella for rainy days.

Saturday, March 14
random - the word.
thankful for postmen and pilots who deliver letters all over the world. :Dwishes very very very very much to go to batam.
appreciated the visit - the two tiny notes, still there.
misses her.
hasn't been studying or doing work.
wonders why people think they do not have a soul - that's sad.
hopes to share Christ with uni friends.
needs to pray.
doesn't understand why people think God does not get angry with sin.
must guard her thoughts.
needs help to stay faithful to the work.
likes the song rejoice in the Lord.
knows that God never leaves us alone.
we're never alone.
Monday, March 9
09 03 nine march.
Sunday, March 8
a woman who says yes to God.
"...i called my dear friend sheila one day and asked her this question. i poured out my heart. i unloaded all my doubts and questions. she patiently listened without much response. "why me, sheila? why me?" then quietly and prayerfully she answered. "because God knew you'd say yes, Lysa" i was stunned. it was the highest compliment i'd ever recieved. my heart was filled with joy as suddenly memories filled my mind of the years of spiritual training God had taken me through to get me to the place where i could be called a woman who says yes to God...""...i'm convinced breakthroughs come during this famine phase, not when we're striving to make them happen. breakthroughs happen when we get about the business of honoring God moment by moment, step-by-step, day by day by what we do and, more importantly, with the thoughts we think while we do. people who don't say yes to the Lord can still live a good life. but only those who fully embrace God can experience the wonder and awe of a "yes" heart that lives the great life He intends..."
from what happens when women walk in faith
-by lysa terkeurst.
(a book given to me by two non christian friends. God's amazing.)
Wednesday, March 4
feel the nails.
Feel the Nails
They tell me Jesus died
For my transgressions
That He paid that price a long, long time ago
When He gave His life for me
On a hill called Calvary
But there's something else I want to know
*Does He still feel the nails
Every time I fail
Can He hear the crowd cry "Crucify" again
Am I causing him pain
Then I know I've got to change
I just can't bear the thought of hurting Him
It seems that I'm so good at breaking promises
And I treat His precious grace so carelessly
But each time He forgives
What if He re-lives
The agony He felt on that tree
Holy, holy
Holy is the Lord
Holy, holy
Holy is the Lord
Do You still feel the nails
Every time I fail
Have I crucified You Jesus with my sins
Oh I'm tired of playing games
I really want to change
I never want to hurt You again
Tuesday, March 3
prize what is truly beautiful.
and it is only ignorance
or a low condition of heart and soul
that does not prize what is beautiful"
-George MacDonald
somethings that are beautiful to God:
purity of thoughts.
loving people when it's hard.
dear Lord,
help me prize ONLY what is beautiful in Your eyes.