Thursday, January 29
what matters.
help me to trust.
Wednesday, January 28
so many hearts.
help me to trust.
Act of Random Kindness.
help me to trust.
Tuesday, January 27
kneel before the cross.
help me to trust.
Wednesday, January 21
obedience requires
s a c r i f i c e .
Lord i'm stepping out
from the comfort zone
letting go of me
h o l d i n g o n
to You.
help me to trust.
Tuesday, January 20
what's in a name.
anna = favoured grace (hebrew)anny = prayer (hebrew)
audrey = noble strength (english)
charissa = grace (greek)
cheryl = beloved (french)
christa = servant of Christ (irish)
christine = Christ bearer (greek)
clement = gentle mercy (latin)
diana = luminous, perfect (hebrew)
felicia = great happiness (french)
gloria = glory (latin)
jan, jane, janice, jean, joanna = gift from God (hebrew)
jessica = "He (God) sees" (hebrew)
joyce = joyous (latin)
lucy = bringer of light (latin)
michelle = close to God (hebrew)
raymond = wise protector (german)
ruth = a friend (hebrew)
ryan = little king (irish)
shannon = old, wise (gaelic)
stephanie = crowned in victory (french)
wei = valuable, precious (chinese)
"He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God." psalm 40:3
God's song (english)
help me to trust.
Sunday, January 11
dare to run.
facing the reality of going back to school tomorrow.just reading the course outline is enough to bring a sense of being overwhelmed.
but. it's okay. be strong and courageous.
a final semester.
almost there. almost. just a little bit more.
reaching the end soon.
"yes i will run this race
till i see Your face
oh let me live in the glory of Your grace"
a song we learnt at yfc thanksgiving day - dare to run.
Dare to Run
The assembly of the faithful surrounding yet unseen
Is gathered as a witness to the race
And on the track awaiting are the runners of today
The call has come for each to take his place
The road ahead is narrow
The way is sometimes steep
And only the committed claim the prize
But standing at the finish
With arms outstretched to greet us
Is the One who has endured the race
And paid the final price
*Dare to run, with our eyes fixed on Jesus
Following the footsteps of the One who’s gone before us
Dare to run in the power of His Spirit
Called to be victors in the race already won
Dare to run
We must have our Savior’s vision
Compassion for the lost
Courage for the future
Love at any cost
help me to trust.
Saturday, January 10
balloon prayers.

help me to trust.
Sunday, January 4
joshua is a book full of action, excitement and a mighty display of God's power.once you start reading it, you can't put it down.
"be strong, be courageous, for the Lord Your God is with you wherever you go"
"be careful to obey all that the Lord has commanded"
"serve Him only"
exodus 3-4 is an encouragement for those of us who feel that we are inadequate to serve God, or who are afraid that we are not up to the task that God has given to us. Moses was ordinary, just like us. He was afraid, he gave excuses when God called him too. indeed, Moses was ordinary, but God can use ordinary people to do the extraordinary.
it's not about our inadequacy, but it's about His power.
help me to trust.
Saturday, January 3
list of blessings.

help me to trust.
Friday, January 2
grace like rain.
grace like rain falls down on me
all my sins are washed away
they're washed away.
help me to trust.
Thursday, January 1
may the Lord find us faithful.
May the Lord find us faithful - Glorybound
God has not given us the spirit of fear
But has given us the strength to obey
With power and sound mind
With love the unfailing kind
Oh be not ashamed of His way
*May the Lord find us faithful
May His word be our banner held high
May the Lord find us faithful
Everyday though we live though we die
No man that seeketh after things of this life
Is a soldier who passes the test
Be faithful be working
Be running be serving
Be searching His word for His best
Living or dying may honor be Thine
From this wretched life You loved and forgave
A life that is on fire
Be only our hearts desire
Be faithful from now to the grave
help me to trust.