Monday, March 31
stop to remember.
there are many little things to thank God for when we stop to remember.
help me to trust.
Sunday, March 30
filled with love.
may everything else except what You are be nothing to me.
remember to bring cans of God's love in your backpack!
help me to trust.
Saturday, March 29
under a block.
thank you for sharing. and're a precious child to Him.
trust. faith. courage. <3
help me to trust.
Tuesday, March 25
it's scary..... how sin can cause one to be totally blinded from the truth.....
help me to trust.
Monday, March 24
moving bed.
grandma and grandchild. smiling.
help me to trust.
Friday, March 21
His death brought me life.

God's love. it's amazing.
sinful me. merciful Him.
tiny me. great big Him.
sinful me. merciful Him.
tiny me. great big Him.
amazing love. how can it be.
that You my King would die for me.
it must have hurt alot.
when the nails were driven through His hands.
each time i sin, it's like driving in the nails all over again.
maaf Yesus...
once again i look upon the cross where You died.
i'm humbled by Your mercy and i'm broken inside.
once again i thank You.
once again i pour out my life.
your place in heaven was more important to Him
than His place in heaven.
so He gave up His so you could have yours.
terima kasih Yesus.
help me to trust.
Monday, March 17
life. death.
help me to trust.
Saturday, March 15
God cares.
christa. thank you for your thoughtfulness. the salt and vinegar treat. yums. (:
goldi. remembering you in prayer.
hope your heart's not hurting as much.
joyce. i know you're reading this.. :P hahas.
teach me more plant names!
pam. hope you're okay.
time with friends. we had full attendance!
6 of us eating zhe char at jurong east coffee shop.
thanks shiyin for the dessert treat!
mf, jia you in your work.
as we get older. our topic of discussion changes.
today we talked about work. about travelling.
about pregnancy. about abortion. about children.
about bonuses, salary and pay rises.
about working environment. about ageing.
stuff we never even thought about in secondary school.
we're growing old. old. old.
it was such fun photo-ing and catching up that we stayed till 2335..
dear Lord. a prayer for these students.
lydia. to continue to shine for You.
shermine, sharon. to accept Your gift of Jesus.
vanessa, isabel. to love and obey You.
ruiqi. to trust in You, to know You're there.
huichen. to believe in You.
charissa. to know You'll walk her through.
emily. to grow closer to You.
gloria. to jia you in serving You.
a friend once said. that focusing on God and on others helps to take the focus off yourself. it's really true.
God never puts a busy tone. He listens.
He sends people to encourage, to understand and to love when He knows you need it most. :D :D
terima kasih Tuhan diterima aku meskipun aku adalah orang yang dosa sekali.
Yesus cinta kamu banyak banyak. <3
help me to trust.
coffee shop.
help me to trust.
Friday, March 14
wholly true.
Let your heart therefore be wholly true to the Lord our Godwalking in His statues and keeping His commandments.
1 Kings 8:61
The heart of Asa was wholly true to the Lord all his days.
1 Kings 15:14
Solomon did not wholly follow the Lord as his father David had done.
1 Kings 11:6
dear Lord, give us a heart that is wholly true to You.
give us a heart that will wholly follow You.
all the days of our life.
help me to trust.
cake baked on hot stones
Elijah was afraid.he was discouraged.
he was tired.
he was hungry.
as he laid down and slept under a broom tree,
an angel touched him and said to him,
arise and eat.
and he looked and behold
there was at his head
a cake baked on hot stones
and a jar of water.
1 Kings 19
wow. God. the provider. our provider.
help me to trust.
Thursday, March 13
loved much.
holding on together. and to Him.
help me to trust.
Sunday, March 9
twenty one
it's your twenty first birthday today. happy birthday to you dear friend...
help me to trust.
Sunday, March 2
a heart of singing.
And though the storms may comeI am holding on, to the rock I cling
How can I ever say enough
How amazing is Your love
I know I am loved by the King
And it makes my heart want to sing
And I will walk with You
Knowing You'll see me through
help me to trust.
Saturday, March 1
the faith of a taxi uncle.
today i saw people worship many gods.. all over the place..
the feeling was..... :(
taxi uncle said in chinese:
there's a true great God.
but people rather worship carved images..
it makes him sad.
he also said, to keep praying...
one day ah ma and ah gong will know God.
and he said it with such great faith.
he told me that God's love is just amazing.
for me. for everyone.
thank you God for sending this uncle to encourage me.
a heart for the lost.
red dot museum.
help me to trust.