Friday, February 29
along my corridor.
a journey of faith.
a belief of a neighbour.
a sense of security maybe.
help me to trust.
peek at old school.
help me to trust.
Thursday, February 28
new made friends.
4 favourtie classmates.
siew cheng. anna. juliana. pauline. (:
crab, cheng chow, candy, celery, cherry, curry.
crab, cheng chow, candy, celery, cherry, curry.
cai fan, coffee cake, chives, cranberry, char siew bao.
clam chowder, cabbage, corn, cream of chicken soup.
chicken rice, canadian pizza, coffee bean, chee chiong fan.
carbonara, chilli, chawanmushi, coconut, cocktail.
help me to trust.
Wednesday, February 27
twenty two.
twenty two.wonderful.
help me to trust.
Monday, February 25
great guitar buddies.

she always makes me laugh.
on the top right is shi jun, pamela, me, u fong.
my bass section buddies.
help me to trust.
Sunday, February 24
genus 08
aunty yoke kheng.
aunty lucy.
lin wei.
lian kuang.
thank you all for coming.
appreciate your encouragement!
knowing that you all were there made performing more fun!
cheryl, thank you for remembering.
anna, thank you for asking.
linwei, thank you for knowing.
felicia, thank you for sharing.
terina, thank you for understanding.
jan, thank you for photo-ing.
pam, thank you for caring.
hong pei, thank you for playing.
shi jun, thank you for chatting.
u fong, thank you for giving.
jingxian, thank you for loving.
goldi, thank you for writing.
cheryl, thank you for smiling.
chen xin, thank you for teaching.
yiteng, thank you for chocolating.
sim chuan, thank you for organizing.
hope today's library trip was fruitful for you.
talked with little jess, clement and kynda for a short short short while today in church.
buckets and buckets, He catches them all.
wednesday, hope you've been okay.
peiling too. hope being a mummy has been great.
friends are gifts from above.
treasure them.
every moment.
with thankfulness.
help me to trust.
Monday, February 18
joyful in hope
help me to trust.
patience. understanding.
i am not a maoist in nepal. really.the driver of the train is stepping on the accelerator.
thank you shermine for the rose. and vanessa for the badge.
2 valentine's day gift from 2 students. (:
thank you Lord for the encouragement you've given me through these students about doing youth work.
rest is important. even God rested on the 7th day after creation.
if God needed rest, so do we.
be kind to yourself. if God can be so kind to us, can't we be kind to ourselves? and to others as well?
ha ha friend, i'm really excited to meet you up again. really. sometimes i wished you were still serving with us. miss your laughter. and how you'll always understand when things get tough in ministry. music by the pool.
didn't see ruth and jess in church for 2 weeks already.
only got to play with clement and kynda for a minute today.
diving. maybe.
"patience always hitches a ride with understanding."
help me to trust.
Sunday, February 17
love is kind
a love worth giving-max lucado.later in the day a woman came by. middle aged. hair streaked with gray and pulled back. dress was simple. reminded me of a middle-school librarian. face was wrinkled and earnest. said she'd been sick for a dozen years. HIV positive.
"that's a long time," i said.
long enough, she agreed, to run out of doctors, money, even hope. but worst of all, she had run out of friends, "they were afraid of me," she said. "worried about catching the disease, my church hadn't turned me out, but they hadn't helped me out either. i hadn't been home in years. been living in a shelter. but then Jesus came to town. he was on his way to treat the mayor's daughter, who was dying. the crowd was thick, and people were pushing, but i was desperate."
she spoke of following Jesus at a distance. then she drew near and stepped back for fear of being recognized. she told of inching behind a broad-shouldered man and staying in his wake until, as she said, "there were only two people between him and me. i pressed my arm through the mob and reached for the hem of his jacket. not to grab, just to touch it. and when i did, my body changed. instantly. my face rushed with warmth. i could breathe deeply. my back seemed to straighten. i stopped, letting the people push past. he stopped too. "who touched me?" he asked. i slid behind the big man again and said nothing. as he and the crowd waited, my heart pounded. from the healing? from fear? from both? i didn't know. then he asked again, "who touched me?" he didn't sound angry-just curious. so i spoke up. my voice shook; so did my hands. the big man stepped away. Jesus stepped forward, and i told the whole story."
"the whole story?" i asked
"the whole story," she replied.
i tried to imagine the moment. everyone waiting as Jesus listened. the crowd waiting. the city leaders waiting. a girl was dying, people pressing, disciples were questioning, but Jesus . . . Jesus was listening. listening to the whole story. he didn't have to. the healing would have been enough. enough for her. enough for the crowd. but not enough for him. Jesus wanted to do more than heal her body. He wanted to hear her story-all of it. the whole story. what a kind thing to do. the miracle restored her health. the kindness restored her dignity.
and what he did next, the woman never forgot. "as if he hadn't done enough already" - her eyes began to water - "he called me 'daughter.' 'daughter, be of good cheer, your faith has made you well. go in peace.' I've been told he never used that word with anyone else, just me."
after she left, i checked. she was right.
the kindess of Jesus. we are quick to think of his power, his passion and his devotion. but those near him knew and know God comes cloaked in kindness.
love is kind.
help me to trust.
Friday, February 15
it is when we are weak, helpless and tired that we learn to truly trust in His grace and His kindness.
help me to trust.
Tuesday, February 12
oranges of blessing

help me to trust.
Monday, February 11
5 banda street
oranges of blessings. block 5 banda street. lovely old people. God used the 8 of us, with our limited vocab of dialect,
and with our different abilities to bring the good news to these lovely old people.
singing to them about God's love, watching them clap along,
watching them smile, watching the joy in their eyes.
God loves them. the old people. they cared for us.
offered us drinks, invited us into their houses, talked with us,
showed us songs they've learnt, encouraged us, thanked us.
i've learnt much from them. about hospitality, and loving God.
this uncle we met- he showed us the chinese christian song lyrics he got from church.
with his trembling old hands, he turned the pages, page by page.
until he reached the song "hallelujah",
and with an expression of joy, taught us the tune.
dear Lord, may my love for You never grow cold,
no matter how old i will one day become.
chinese new year. my yeh yeh, ah gong and ah ma.
i pray that yeh yeh will hold on strong to the faith.
and for ah gong and ah ma.... that they'll believe in You.
the secret to loving is living loved.
long to be more loving?
begin by accepting your place as a dearly loved child. eph 5:12.
the woman, in luke 7, she washed Jesus' feet with her tears
she wiped his feet with her hair.
she came thirsty. and drinks deeply the grace of God.
we love by first receiving it. 1 john 4:19
thanks amk for the book.
"be imitators of God, therefore as dearly loved children,
and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us." eph 5:1-2
this week, a victorious girl emerged. be like joseph.
friends talking on the phone. warms up a heart.
a little note. a girl holding a heart shaped balloon.
her mother agreed to go with her. that's God at work.
2 girls. 2nd time to church.
tears when we sang to her.
hope her bones aren't hurting too much. =..(
didn't get to talk to little clement in church on sunday.
the girl who cleaned the house so that we'd feel comfy.
a yummy dinner cooked by her dad.
mos burger dinner. naughty picnic table.
white, pink and blue tops.
ah ma's yummy yearly lunch.
mummy's curry and huge sambal prawns.
we love because Christ first loved us.
knowing that loving God and loving people matters most,
the weary feeling fades away and joy comes. (: (:
help me to trust.
Thursday, February 7
in my brokeness complete
"Unashamed"I have not much
To offer You
Not near what You deserve
But still I come
Because Your cross
Has placed in me my worth
Oh, Christ my King
Of sympathy
Whose wounds secure my peace
Your grace extends
To call me friend
Your mercy sets me free
And I know I'm weak
I know I'm unworthy
To call upon Your name
But because of grace
Because of Your mercy
I stand here unashamed
I can't explain
This kind of love
I'm humbled and amazed
That You'd come down
From heavens heights
And greet me face to face
Here I am at Your feet
In my brokeness complete
(: (:
help me to trust.
Tuesday, February 5
a smiley box of nuggets
help me to trust.