Thursday, January 31
in Christ
feeling the full load of school.lectures and tutorials are like a train - a bullet train.
it's like running with all my might to catch up with that train.
but all that is seen is that train - moving further. and further away.
but - there is hope. in God. He'll walk me through. (:
dear Jesus, give me discipline, wisdom and focus.
help me not neglect the things that are truly important in this life.
serving You. loving You. loving people. loving people. loving people.
You said do not be anxious about anything.
bring all things to You through prayer and thanksgiving.
and the peace of God which surpasses understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ.
"to give a gift is to share your heart." <3
Sunday, January 27
covenant of hope
Sunday, January 20
guitar friends

wonderful friends i've made in nus guitar ensemble. they're all unique individuals made by God. pamela, cheryl, goldi, jingxian, u-fong, shi jun, yiteng, simchuan, chenxin, hoe hiong, yin hong, weilin, ruofei. (: playing the guitar with all you smiley people makes my day. tomorrow's your birthday, happy birthday jingxian!
pam, my first best buddy in bass section. cheryl, my partner who goes with me to the scary 'expose' practices and who finds her lost handphone in her pocket. goldi remembering that i went to cambodia and her sweet smile. jingxian, hearing her talk can make me laugh all the way. yiteng, got to talk more to her on the bus ride to clementi. U fong and his funny craziness doing all the funny actions that make all of us laugh. shijun's friendliness, making us all feel part of the ensemble. thank you all.
Saturday, January 19
little jess

fave 3 shots using a slr camera.
simple little jess.
Thursday, January 17
museum toys

Tuesday, January 15
fav old blanket
nice comfy bed with her fav old blanket.thank you for the little chat.
it brought a cozy and comfortable heart.
comfortable. very comfortable. (:
hope your money plant grows bigger and biggerer.
and that your everyday is filled with bouquets of His love. <3
you. just being you. appreciate that loads and loads.
thank you a whole big bunch.
Saturday, January 12
a day of colours
a day of coloursprecious moments i had forgotten, all brought back to life.
there's a special something about being with friends.
something that touches the heart.
malay stall scrambled eggs. best food ever.
Friday, January 11
sitting with jo at the park after the run, in the slight drizzle.seeing jessica dance and spin to the hi-5 song.
and using her chopsticks to eat her food!
and saying 'jie jie sherlyn' in the best way she could pronounce it.
playing cooking with her. she spread jam on the bread.
how she'll say, 'see, see' after i take a pic of her.
eating jap dumplings and jap cold green noodles that ruth cooked.
looking at pics of jess and ruth on ken's mac.
listening to kenneth talk about photography.
drinking the coffee that he made.
watching dawn patiently teach the kids phonics.
seeing kynda in her pink dance attire.
seeing her show me what her ballet teacher taught her last week.
holding her hand while crossing the road.
playing dog and bone and uno with her and clement.
hearing them enthusiastically sing "you yi jian li wu"
though pronunciation was a bit off.
carrying clement around bukit timah plaza's ntuc.
listening to him play twinkle twinkle little star on the piano for me.
he remembered that i once had the grape nail art on my toe.
initially he thought it was strawberry..
he remembered that he used to enjoy playing
with my blue baby G watch when he was 2 years old.
he remembers. he's got a heart for the little little things.
playing scissors paper stone with him. he won.
joni's smile. standing up on her own.
sharing gospel with jo by the roads and in the rain.
choosing the nice cards that mic made.
drawing dividers with charissa.
finally anna feels comfy and happy.
hearing christa so excited about overcoming her fear of heights
by climbing to the top of the rock wall.
steph's 'tie and destroy' the tie t-shirt and her 'war and peas' t-shirt.
christine's red burnt face.
joyce laughing while trying to tell me
the longest name of a plant that she has learnt.
beverly saying that i see her 6 days out of 8 days this week.
gloria leading songs at area meeting. she's growing up.
jolene saying she's got the same song book as me.
peiling's new hairdo and smses.
and the pic of tze hung in her phone.
messages saying that things will get better.
fluffy fluffy with lotsa love.
4 secondary school buddies are meeting up tomorrow. yays!
smiling smileys smile. (: (:
God loves us so much that he gave us colours.
He didn't have to make the world with colours.
but He did.
Monday, January 7
teaspoons of love
happy birthday mingfen. we sat at coffee bean.
chatting. eating. sharing.
mp3 song.
"...You are the God above all gods
You are the Way above all ways
Your mercy, Your wisdom, Your grace
Sustains me in all that i face
Your power, Your strength and Your might
Gives me courage to stand up and fight
And proclaim You are God..."
courage. to stand up. to fight. with His enabling.
be brave. God will take care of the fears.
teaspoons of love. (:
words of love and encouragement.
appreciated lots lots lots.
Saturday, January 5
bit by bit
it's right. it's isaiah 43:1.the little card. 2 years ago. still there.
little babies, loved by their mummy and daddy.
really. thank you for going with me.
thank you for talking with me.
it was funny. holding the tiny umbrella in the wind.
things to be thankful about:
return of aunty moh keng.
yiling's birthday.
the ride from terina.
the breeze after the walk.
the dust on the book.
it takes time for both of them to clean it up.
but they are. bit by bit. (: (:
the pages are starting to fill up again. slowly.
thank You Lord.
Friday, January 4
toys in my room