Friday, August 31
all that matters

Thursday, August 30
4 hours 22 minutes and 17 seconds.we broke our phone record! (:
thank you for sharing.
busy. tired. 2 most used words in my vocab.
rest. sleep. these haven't been in my vocab for sometime.
love. joy. thankfully, sometimes in my vocab.
So I lift my eyes to You, Lord
In Your strength will I break through, Lord
Touch me now, let Your love fall down on me
I know Your love dispels all my fears
Through the storm I will hold on, Lord
And by faith I will walk on, Lord
Then I'll see beyond my calvary one day
And I will be complete in You
I look to You, Lord
Your love that never ends restores me again
sighs. i totally forgot about it. so sorry.. argh. how irresponsible. thanks too.
Monday, August 27
it's true
was reading psalm 139 yesterday.v1-4 says:
"O LORD, you have searched me and known me!
You know when i sit down and when I rise up
You discern my thoughts from afar
You search out my path and my lying down
And are acquainted with all my ways
Even before a word is on my tongue
Behold, O LORD, you know it altogether"
experienced the reality of this psalm and a song today.
God knows everything.
what a scary yet comforting thought.
God knows when we think we're better than others,
He knows when we judge others,
He knows how selfish we are,
He knows how we try to use methods to gain praise from others,
He knows that we sometimes love out of selfish reasons,
He knows when we compromise our faith,
He knows when we get jealous of others,
He knows when we covet.
He knows. He really does.
yet, knowing these, He still willingly gave us His Son. That is LOVE.
God knows exactly when we're feeling tired,
He knows when we need encouragement,
He knows the moments when we feel like everything is piling up on us,
He knows when our heart rejoices,
He knows when our heart rains,
He knows when we cover up our pain with a smile on our face,
He knows when we are lonely,
He knows when we need to feel loved,
He knows when we are afraid,
He knows when we feel like giving up.
He knows. He really does.
the creator. who loves tiny little us. God-BIG. us-small.
He loves us this much to know our every thought.
i remember the very stressful period during the week leading to last semester's exams. God seemed liked He was too busy to care abt me.. i was almost giving up when a Christian lady from my guitar class gave me an encouragement note and a bottle of vitagen. never did i expect that she would be the one God used to ask me to press on. her note, i put it on my table throughout the exam. each time i looked at it, it reminded me that God hasn't forgotten abt me. Thank You Lord.
when things got tough, God knew, so He appointed some of His children to be His hands and His feet, to encourage and to care. it's a miracle from God...
thank You Lord for a miracle today. reminding me that i'll never walk alone as long as i have faith. You will always be right here beside me all the way.
Lord, please use me as Your hands and Your feet to bless someone today. it's a joy to give.
Saturday, August 25
John 6:66
August 24, 2007
VERSE: From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him. John 6:66
THOUGHT: This verse haunts me. Not just because of the three numbers in the reference, but because it is a great reminder that many folks simply gave up following Jesus when things became hard to understand. What will I do when things get difficult in my discipleship and I can't figure out all the answers to what is going on? I hope, I pray, I trust that I will follow until the way and the will of the Lord become more clear!
PRAYER: Awesome God, I confess openly that I cannot begin to understand all the complexities of your will and the way you work in our world. But Father, when I'm confused, please bring into my life people who will help me hang on to my faith until the confusion passes. And today, dear Father, please use me to help bless someone who is struggling with his or her faith. In Jesus' name I ask it. Amen.
Friday, August 24
glad the curry puff wasn't too hot for ui like walking.
huge matchstick
and the smile.
never walk alone
hopeless 15 yr old.
God is love.
times of being close to God.
times of childlike love for God and for others.
times of crying out to God under the covers.
times of fewer people.
times of lesser responsibilities.
times of living for God.
times of thinking about God.
times of seeking God.
times of resting in God.
times of pain.
yet times of simplicity.
times of just God and i.
missing those times.
Thursday, August 23
humility. important.
Wednesday, August 22
all from God

wednesday (:
*sufficient grace from God
"My grace is sufficient for you" 2 Cor 12:9
*sufficient strength from God
"God is our refuge and our strength" Ps 46:1
*forgiveness from God
"Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other,
just as in Christ God forgave you" Eph 4:32
*care from God
"cast all your anxieties on Him because He cares for you" 1 Pet 5:7
*true joy from God
"restore to me the joy of Your salvation" Ps 51:12
*healing from God
"He heals the broken hearted" Ps 147:3
*love from God
"God's love has been poured into our hearts" Rom 5:5
Your Word. we can rely on. in difficult times. and anytime.
buckets and buckets. God catches them all.
i like wednesdays.
Tuesday, August 21
tears are a gift from God.imagine feeling upset and being unable to cry.. that's even more painful.
thank God for specially making us with the ability to cry.
Saturday, August 18
much to be thankful
thank God for waterthank God for words
thank God for msn
thank God for late nights
thank God for smilely faces
thank God for hearts
thank God for love
thank God for you
Friday, August 17
serve You
almighty God, please purify my heart of any false motivation and help me serve others based on their need and my desire to honor You in helping them. thank You for Your unexplainable love, for Your grace and Your mercy. to allow someone as unworthy as I to be able to serve You, the God of heavens and the earth. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Wednesday, August 15

for the sake of the call
no other reason at all
but the sake of the call
wholly devoted to live and to die
Monday, August 13
psalm 23
little girl
"Let the little children come to me,and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." Mark 10:14
Sunday, August 12
live to please God
what i've learnt from romans traili don't want to "please God to live"
i want to "live to please God"
Lord, do help me.
"please God to live"
=obey God, do QT so that God will not punish me by causing bad things to happen in my life
=motivation is self
"live to please God"
=obey God out of love through Jesus
=motivation is God
Saturday, August 11
fingerprints of God A. you're filled with the fingerprints of God. (:
Fingerprints of God by Steven Curtis Chapman
I can see the tears filling Your eyes
And I know where they're coming from
They're coming from a heart that's broken in two
By what you don't see
The person in the mirror
Doesn't look like the magazine
Oh, but when I look at you it's clear to me that...
*I can see the fingerprints of God
When I look at you
I can see the fingerprints of God
And I know it's true
You're a masterpiece
That all creation quietly applauds
And you're covered with the fingerprints of God
Never has there been and never again
Will there be another you
Fashioned by God's hand
And perfectly planned
To be just who you are
And what He's been creating
Since the first beat of your heart
Is a living breathing priceless work of art and... (*)
Just look at you
You're a wonder in the making
Oh, and God's not through, no, in fact,
He's just getting started and... (*)
Thursday, August 9
ichiban sushi
met up for lunch with wanlin, mingfen, wanting and collin at imm's ichiban sushi. i always enjoy catching up with them because we get to update each other about what's happening in our lives. i enjoy meeting up with old friends to eat and chat. after that we went to wanlin's house to eat ice cream! i thank God for the 4 of them and i sincerely hope that one day they will find joy in knowing Jesus. mf, if you ever need a lunch or dinner buddy, just sms me. (: next week will meet up with zien and diana! so i'm looking forward to that too. (:mf, this song is for you.
come to the father
before the world began, you were on His mind
and every tear you've cried, is precious in His eyes
because of His great love, He gave His only Son
and everything was done, so you would come
nothing you can do, could make Him love you more
and nothing that you've done, can make Him close the door
because of His great love, He gave His only Son
and everything was done, so you would come
come to the Father, though your gift is small
broken hearts, broken lives, He will take them all
the power of the Word, the power of His blood
and everything was done, so you would come
Tuesday, August 7
a typical msn conversation with my brother at home.
sherlyn. says:
come back then immediately go online
shannon. Time's Stability. said:
sherlyn. Sends Shannon a music file
sherlyn. says:
when my friend sent it to me it's so fast but when i send it to you it's so slow. and we are in the SAME HOUSE
shannon. Time's Stability. says:
sherlyn. says:
can you stop '3 dotting me'
sherlyn. says:
you always do that lor! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
sherlyn. says:
sherlyn. says:
shannon. Time's Stability. says:
sherlyn. says:
*puts emoticon of a baby covering his ears
sherlyn. says:
*puts emoticon of face with tongue sticking out
sherlyn. says:
can u see the 2 emoticons?
shannon. Time's Stability. says:
sherlyn. says:
good for u
shannon. Time's Stability. says:
sherlyn. says:
now you're '2 dotting'
sherlyn. says:
sherlyn. says:
no '2 dotting' too
shannon. Time's Stability. says:
sherlyn. says:
oi! so bad
sherlyn. says:
*puts emoticon of a spongebob with jellylike arms
sherlyn. says:
-the end-
Monday, August 6
our Daddy in heaven gives us so many good gifts. one of the most precious gift is the gift of friendship. thank you for teaching me that. thank you for explaining and understanding... thank you. i've been blessed.
Friday, August 3
alabaster vial
met up with E from my bahasa indo class yesterday at clementi botak jones. claps for myself because i ALMOST finished the whole huge plate of fish and chips! i didn't want coleslaw, so they gave me extra chilli fries! i only left like 4 fries behind. quite an achievement! could feel myself gaining weight immediately after eating.she talked about her decision to serve God full time for 1 year after graduation. she's serving as a mentor in sajc. God gave her a sign she asked for! a RAINBOW... to assure her of her decision. God immediately answered her specific prayer for a rainbow. amazing. her parents aren't taking it well coz they aren't christians, but she's still standing firm. she reminded me about the Bible story of the woman with an alabaster vial of very costly perfume of pure nard.. that woman poured it over Jesus' head. that perfume was worth one year's wages. that woman so willingly gave of her best, so we too, gota learn to give of our best to God too.
i'm still struggling with the cost of serving God. when i think about all the 'fun' that i will 'miss out' if i become a TL for 3 years, i am still so unwilling.
Thursday, August 2
X pics
Wednesday, August 1
back to singapore
finally i'm back to singapore and i'm here to stay for quite a while. i had a meaningful time at X, we managed to build close friendships with the students. i was especially close to one of the girl students, she shared with me about her life and we spent many special moments together. i hate saying goodbye. especially to people who live in another country. i don't know if i'll ever get to see her again. how i wish i could buy an aeroplane ticket for each of the students there to fly to visit singapore! they'd love the plane ride and they'll love to see a place outside of X. the other 4 boys and 2 girls were so funny. just talking to them can make you laugh non stop. they're very thoughtful, always helping us get food, pour tea, carry our luggage, help with the dishes, play with us, sing with us, dance for us. and they have an innocent sense of humour! i enjoyed all the times with them.
spending 8 days with those from the singapore team was interesting too. after that trip i think christine, jo and i kinda built a closer relationship with one another. talking to jo is always so easy, i can just say what i feel and she'd understand. she's also good with chords and very creative too. and not forgetting our little secret of 'wrath'. hee. christine never fails to make me laugh. her hat flew off her head and she didn't even know it la! aiyo. she's so funny in her own special way. playing card games in the plane with her and aunty wendy was so fun! thanks christine for helping me with moving the bed! and teaching me how to deal with those situations. aunty wendy is so cute lah! haha. and BJ is really good with the students. all of them like talking to her because she has such a good sense of humour, and yet seriousness when the occasion calls for it. aunty C and her "ONE kuai(4)" always makes us laugh. she'd say the number in english and the dollar in chinese... she'll go ONE kuai(4), TWO kuai(4), THREE kuai(4) etc... cheryl's like our little mummy! she has everything! medicine, hand sanitizer, wet tissues, moisturizer, feng(1) you(2) etc. and she always cares for us by like anticipating what we need and ask if we need it. thank you cheryl! all of us got along well during the trip. no unhappiness or what-so-ever.
we had our fun times. jo and i loved the horse ride! we were talking about it in the plane! horses there are so special. they can walk on muddy paths, tiny paths, steep slopes up and steep slopes down, they gallop so fast and they are very obedient to the horseman. i like my horseman mainly because he has a cowboy hat and he speaks chinese in a singing tune! he's 18 and he's so cool! he's called nur jiang and he's really like a cowboy! as i think back of the scene, ha, it's really like in the movies, you've got a cowboy behind you and you're riding the horse up the mountain. and when you reach the top of the mountain, you see the marvelous creation of God. the waters, the sky, the special trees and the green grass.
the girl that i was close to showed me a species of special trees. these trees are very unique because during winter, all else is white with snow, but these trees do not become white with snow. they are still green. and she said these trees could represent a man's perseverance. to all Christians, persevere like those trees! in this fallen world, when stress and difficulties come in, to keep holding on to God. remain in Him. dwell in Him. do not let the worries of the world tie you down, just keep holding on, standing firm, until the day Christ comes back to bring us to our real home.
this song is for you... school's tiring, it really is. turn to Him ya.
o soul, are you weary and troubled
no light in the darkness you see
there's a light for a look at the Savior
and life more abundant and free
turn your eyes upon Jesus
look full in His wonderful face
and the things of earth with grow strangely dim
in the light of His glory and grace
i can't write too much about my trip because it's quite a sensitive issue at X. can't pen it out in an open blog and can't put certain photos. so, if you wana find out more about the students we met or see their pics, and to know what we did, just ask me personally. (: