Friday, March 30
yesterday... today...
yesterday i went to get new specs done... my eyesight is so horrible that even my lenses cost much more than a normal person... all thanks to my 700 degrees of myopia per eye, and my 250 degrees of astigmatism for one of my eye. i think i'm going blind soon.. gosh. without my glasses i can't even see a thing! thank you C for bringing A and i there. after hvg dinner, A and i shopped around a little more, then we sat along clarke quay eating tiramisu ice cream and watching ppl take the bungee ride thing. so nice and relaxing!today we had cellgroup. after cg, A and i prayed for L. yay! so thankful that she shared with us. it's an amazing feeling when friends come together and pray. God was in our midst, and God was listening to our prayers. finally, with A's singing, i finally 'presented' the song for L. Jesus, help us to love you and love people. help us to know where you are working, and join you where you are. let's not just be friends. let's be Christian friends, sisters in Christ, sharing the same faith, encouraging each other with the word of God! God has been working in our friendship, so let's allow Him to work more and more and MORE! (:
help me to trust.
Wednesday, March 28
just for laughs
got this link from J's blog. it's hilarious, lame, silly, funny.
suddenly had the thought of jotting down some "days to remember..."
24 feb-team mtg at my house. ended w a jammin session!
24 feb-joni's one month celebration. i was rather late
12 march-brought C and K cycling
13 march-dinner at aunty T's & playing w J at R's house
17 march-my recommitment day 7 years ago
9 march-hanging out at HV with the 3 oldies
23 march-GENUS performance with mom
23 march-lunch and st e with J and J
3 march-running & studying at JE library w J and C
22 march-dinner at sakae with my 3 buddies
27 feb-wei's bd
8 march-B's bd
9 march-SX's bd
10 march-PL's bd
15 march-JE's bd
22 march-Liwen's bd
27 march-M1 interview
24 march-steph away for mission trip
6 march-breakfast w D at NUH kopitiam
25 march-dinner with ryan at trade hub al ameen
20 march-intnl econs tutor did not turn up for tutorial
27 march-intnl econs tutor came 1/2 hr late for tutorial
26,27 march-receiving encouraging emails frm S
24 march-met T for breakfast at harbourfront
24 march-dinner at vivo with church youths (all boys!)
20 march-girls BS at BH w AL. S lent me 2 hillsongs CD!
17 march-meeting with B after area mtg
25 march-supposedly movie outing w M and B
help me to trust.
Sunday, March 25
youth sunday
today was our youth sunday! the youths put in alot of effort. esp those in the skit and the music team.... thank you for giving to the Lord...katrina - worship leader: very confident! considering that it's your first time! hope it has been a gd experience for you.
mark - skit director and drummer: i see your effort and your commitment. gd job!
jan - drummer and actress: your drummin skills r improving by so much each week i see you play. your acting brought laughter and smiles to many!
ben - keyboardist and actor: it's good seeing you as a 'older' brother to the younger boys!
audrey - keyboardist and coordinator: i'm encouraged that even though sch work is getting busy, you still take time to be there for the youths.
joshua - guitarist: continue practicing hard on the guitar. you've been improving! keep it up.
shan - backup singer and brother (and music director?): well well, i must say that your voice is quite nice. it's good when you stay back to prac after church. coz i get to have someone to go home w me. makes my trip less boring.
janice - backup singer and actress: you almost didn't miss a single rehearsal right! thanks for the time put into practicing! you brought a friend today!
linwei - backup singer and designer: i'll always remember you and your golden number zero! the toilet bowl that slides down. ha. anyway, know you've been busy w sch work, yet you still helped out. i thank God for you.
yuanshuai - acting as devil: i just enjoyed looking at you moving here and there around the stage during the skit. the expression on your face! so serious that it made me wana laugh! especially the part where you tried to take the money from felicia! i thought you might have burst out laughing! but you didn't! didn't know you could act so well.
felicia - star actress: like what you said, it's all the Lord's work! the confidence He gave you, helping you memorise your lines, and being part of the lives of the youths.
joel lee - actor: it's always fun having you around, jumping here and there, making practices and the trip to vivo more exciting!
nicholas - acting as Jesus: you're a really nice boy. i like your laughter. it's contagious!
charissa - acting as maid: your acting! amazing. hidden talent that i never knew!!!!!!! hope you got your project done.
matthew: thanks for staying back every sunday, being a great support to those in the skit and the worship team. by now i guess your aiming of the tiny basketball into the tiny basket should be really good already.
andy: good to see you getting more and more involved with the youths! continue to touch their lives k.
david: you never fail to stay back every sunday, and helping the youths get back on track when they are moving off course. and you always volunteer to offer your time to them, even staying in church when they needed someone older to be around. may the Lord give you more and more passion for them.
stephanie: i have much to learn from your sensitivity to the people around you. thanks for showing me what it means to be people oriented. you're always so quick to lend your helping hand to those who need it. and to give a word of encouragement to those around you. and i think that really makes their day!
and of course, there were the 4 ushers: ryan, ian, jerry, isaac, jeremy. an all guys usher team! first time ever in eefc? and joel chia, for being so courageous! agreeing to do announcements and congregational prayer!
help me to trust.
Friday, March 23
all about Cambodia
yay! A's back from Cambodia! thanks JF for the 10% discount card! as i heard A share about her experiences, she got me excited too. i thank God for the time He has given her to serve God there. each memory she talked about was filled with an enormous amount of joy. it was good just to sit there and to listen to her share. thanks for sharing so much about your trip. seeing her missing them and smiling away made me feel happy too. she told us so much about it until i could almost feel as if i was there with her experiencing everything she was involved in. it's a blessing to listen to things that excite and bring a smile to my friend.
i thank God also for the results of my midterms and assignments. i studied, put in my best and God did the rest. thank you Lord. remind me O Lord, that it is by your grace that i did well, not by my own effort.
help me to trust.
Saturday, March 17
why should we fast?
just had CG. sometimes people ask, why should we fast? D gave a simple answer, "because Jesus did it." if Jesus felt that it was important to fast and pray, then why shouldn't we?
help me to trust.
Sunday, March 11
national museum
went to the national museum with mic yesterday... went for the symposium on religion in singapore. the talks were quite interesting. but the food was the highlight of the day. they catered thai food. there was tomyam soup, tapioca dessert, pho, thai ball thing etc etc etc...
at the family and friends exhibition, they had this special huge screen with little dots. at different times, some dots will light up and some will not. if you stand at the right spot, in front of the camera, you'll be able to see yourself on the huge screen... got a picture there. can you spot us at the background?
help me to trust.
Saturday, March 10
good news
Yay! almost cannot believe it! was on my way home with shannon from church after our youth sunday music practice. decided to drop by shell to get ben and jerry's ice cream. last week they had an offer.. but the offer's over. so we didn't get it. shannon bought this packet of cheese snack. so when we got home, he let me try it, saying that this snack is the best 'imitation' of planters cheez curls. and when i tried it! whhhooooossssshhhhh! wow! it indeed tasted like cheez curls. i wouldn't say it tastes exactly like it, but it does taste like it. shannon said it's just my psychological problem. he says it actually is exactly like cheez curls, but because i knew it wasn't, so i said it doesn't taste like it. well, i duno! not all hope is gone. at least i found a worthy substitute of planters cheez curls! anyway, good job kat! (if u actually read this) with the worship leading!
i thank you Lord for bringing me through last week. it was a frantic rush of studying for tests and getting ready for projects. but you gave me strength, you helped me sit through those tests and you provided people to support me through. thanks C, M and T. and to my 2 uni buddies, congratulations, we got through it together!
help me to trust.
Friday, March 2
God our protector.
wei. happy bd.shiyin. happy bd too.
(both are belated) sorry!
in june last year, i received a message from xh that the singapore girl's team rugby captain died in a bike accident. she wasn't even knocked by any car, she just skidded i think. yesterday as i was cramming in information for my test today, shan came home and told me that D got into a bike accident! i didn't know how serious it was, or whether he was ok. when i heard the news, i was afraid. afraid to know the truth, in case the truth was something that i didn't want to hear.. i couldn't continue studying.. i could almost hear by heartbeat la! so scary. i had to call S. which i did. thank God D was conscious and was not in serious condition. only then did my heartbeat slow down a little.
just got back from visiting him at the hospital. heard from S that he crashed into a turning car and was flung off the bike. it was only by God's protection that his life was preserved. God's so gracious. saved his life time and again. though he was in pain, lying in the hospital bed, but seeing him alive and talking was enough to fill my heart with thanksgiving to God. thank you God! you saved D.
next week is going to be one of the toughest week to get through. Lord, i really need Your grace and Your mercy and Your peace. thank you Lord that when i am weak, You are strong.
help me to trust.