Friday, April 28
bro n i

help me to trust.
Thursday, April 27
a quote
"Christian workers fail because they place their desire for their own holiness above their desire to know God"-31 January of My Utmost For His Highest
help me to trust.
Wednesday, April 26
it's finally over
in secondary school and in jc, it's normal that people do last minute studying. for me, until now in uni, i'm still slacking away and doing last minute studying. i must change this horrible habit. thanks PL, for calling. it encouraged me to press on. you always seem to know when to call.
finally the exams are over. i think i'm not going to do well. some papers i just crapped out some stuff, some i really didn't know how to do. now i just have to wait for my results.
feel so free now. gone are all the sleepless nights and stressful exams. finally i can take a break. 3 months holidays! i have been looking forward so much to this break. it has came.
help me to trust.
Tuesday, April 25
another statement of fact: even though you know you have flung your papers, knowing that everything will come to an end tomorrow, it just makes you feel better.
help me to trust.
Monday, April 24
statement of fact: it is totally horrid being sick and having to sit for 3 consecutive days of exams.
help me to trust.
Friday, April 21
they say it is artthey say we have freedom
they suggest
we followed
we used our freedom
we did it our way
they criticized like simon
they contradicted themselves
they shut out our explanation
is that art?
help me to trust.
Sunday, April 16
most happening easter sunday
just got back from the most unforgettable easter sunday service (at east coast park).
1st shock of the day: debbie overslept and we were going to be late. was supposed to play guitar for worship.
2nd shock of the day: the keyboard wasn't working. so deb couldn't play. it was my first time playing guitar for worship and i had to play ALONE. it was like, how scary la. i think i played horribly. and the sound system was quite lousy, gave us alot of problems.
something to thank God for: the lovely weather.
3 happening things we did:
-built sandcastles with the kids!
-played ultimate frisbee!!!
-went canoeing!!!!!!!!!!!
didn't plan to go canoeing. then when TDS were leaving and they asked us whether we would like to join them for canoeing. cheryl's dream came true. just a while b4 they asked us, she said she felt like canoeing. all of us were very excited. haven't been canoeing for quite some time. we had alot of fun capsizing each other and canoeing.. ha. the 3 oldies kept capsizing me.. so spent most of my energy climbing up the canoe rather than actually canoeing.
enjoyed myself alot. especially the canoeing. canoeing in itself was great, but what made it so memorable, exciting, special, and extremely fun was the people i went with. thanks friends. anna, wei, cheryl, lian kuang, ter, des, san. =) you all made my day.
1st shock of the day: debbie overslept and we were going to be late. was supposed to play guitar for worship.
2nd shock of the day: the keyboard wasn't working. so deb couldn't play. it was my first time playing guitar for worship and i had to play ALONE. it was like, how scary la. i think i played horribly. and the sound system was quite lousy, gave us alot of problems.
something to thank God for: the lovely weather.
3 happening things we did:
-built sandcastles with the kids!
-played ultimate frisbee!!!
-went canoeing!!!!!!!!!!!
didn't plan to go canoeing. then when TDS were leaving and they asked us whether we would like to join them for canoeing. cheryl's dream came true. just a while b4 they asked us, she said she felt like canoeing. all of us were very excited. haven't been canoeing for quite some time. we had alot of fun capsizing each other and canoeing.. ha. the 3 oldies kept capsizing me.. so spent most of my energy climbing up the canoe rather than actually canoeing.
enjoyed myself alot. especially the canoeing. canoeing in itself was great, but what made it so memorable, exciting, special, and extremely fun was the people i went with. thanks friends. anna, wei, cheryl, lian kuang, ter, des, san. =) you all made my day.
help me to trust.
Friday, April 14
my fav guitar lesson
i spent 3 hours doing my music theory homework. put in ALL my effort. slept at 4am just doing that. when i went for lesson, the teacher told me it was all wrong. every single one of them (there were about 30 questions). she was like, "wrong. this one wrong. cannot. do again. aiyo! all wrong. do corrections!" i was super sad la. all my hardwork put into doing it was wasted. it was all wrong because i didn't even know that it couldn't be done that way! anyway, i had guitar class after that. when playing the guitar, it's impt to be in the right mood. i wasn't. but somehow, there's something special about my guitar class. even if it has been a horrible day, i get happier in the process of the lesson. i love playing the guitar especially if the piece is nice. (but it's quite irritating when i can't hold a certain formation or produce nice and clear sounds) i look forward to each lesson. i've got great guitar-mates and an excellent guitar teacher who plays fantastically. thanks teacher!!! you're so nice and so encouraging!!! thanks thanks thanks. =)
help me to trust.
Thursday, April 13
i'm done
this sem is horrible. i think it's because of the TS practical exam. it's taking up most of my time. have to meet the project group 3 times a week. each time about 3-4 hours. the practical exam is in 8 days time and the written exams are in 9 days time. i have 4 consecutive days of papers. i haven't even revised any of my 5 modules. this time, i'm really done for it. i have to study!!!!!!!! just can't seem to be able to get down and start studying. Lord, help me!!
help me to trust.
Saturday, April 8
good friday
good fri is coming. i have always treasured good friday. because it is a time for me to quiet down and to remember God's sacrifice of Jesus on the cross for my sins. there are many people out there who have yet to experience God's love... last sunday in church, G lead the song "How Great Is Our God". i don't know why, but this song really touches me alot. everytime i hear it, it can bring me to the verge of tears. the lyrics is very simple, the chorus goes, "how great is our God, sing with me, how great is our God, all will see, how great, how great is our God" simple, but the phrase "How great is our God" brings back memories of how great God has been in my life. so thankful for Him. God is really great.tomorrow i'll be meeting my group to rehearse the TS practical exam. i must say that the amount of time given to us is totally ridiculous. how do the lecturers/tutors expect us to rehearse and act out a play within 2 weeks? it's crazy la. i'm playing 2 roles. wonder how i'm going to change from one role to another within seconds. i haven't even memorised my script. sighs. exams are coming. i need to study. i miss C and K...
help me to trust.
Monday, April 3
God's Love
sometimes i think that i am not worthy of God's love. i'm so thankful He died for a sinner like me. i tried to ask my ah gong to go to a hokkien service together with me this sunday. but he wasn't keen. i'm quite disappointed. Lord, i pray for my ah ma and ah gong.... help them to know You. i told ah ma that she needs to believe in Jesus, but she said that she doesn't believe. so sad...
help me to trust.