Thursday, September 29
sociology test
slept at 430am yesterday... coz only then did i finish studying 2 topics of the test. supposed to study 6, but i didn't have time, so just spotted 2 topics... good thing that the topics i studied did come out today. we were supposed to choose 1 out of 4.. i wrote on "Why is it difficult to define the 'family'?" I just wrote whatever came into my mind.. i think it was all crap, but well, it's my first socio test and i have completely no idea how to go about answering a socio question, so just have to wait and see what results i get!
help me to trust.
Sunday, September 25
25th september
went to church today.supposed to meet T,but in the end didn't...the speaker had so many powerpoint requests and playing of DVD which our church laptop can't read.thank God that we managed to find someone who has a laptop with windows XP.phew...after that,me and LW had to teach our youth class.passage was on the prodigal son.the son was tempted to explore the outside world and to go his own way which caused him to end up in helplessness and despair.finally he decided to return to his father,wanting only the status of a hired man,but his father accepted him as his son,and even held a celebration for him.indeed,our God is a forgiving God(but remember,God does get angry with our sin).
played badminton at hong kah north cc after that.quite fun,but so long never play,so deproved a little already.
anyway,just chatted to PL over the phone.hvnt heard her voice in ages!ha,last time during project serve almost see her everyday.yup,ha,had a gd and meaningful talk just catching up with one another.thanks for the little chat we had!enjoyed it!it added some joy and laughter into my life!=)heh heh...
help me to trust.
Friday, September 23
help me to trust.
Tuesday, September 20
room packing day

Picture 1 : My table after 8 hours of packing...
Picture 2, 3, 4 : The mess in my room while i was packing....
another thing i did today was to pack some parts of my room. i spent almost 8 hours packing my room and some drawers. tiring xia... when my brother saw the mess in my room, he said, "woah... i think you should take some pictures and put the caption as 'World War 3' "
help me to trust.
sec sch frens

help me to trust.
Monday, September 19
birthday celebration

ya lor,everyone told me tt bbq was cancelled,n we'r gg to hv camp commandant induction n prayer then aftr tt go eat weird la..i rembr clearly tt it was supposed to be a bbq,den they told me cancelled.n where gt camp commandant induction such a thing one lor.hah.i knw smthg ws up their sleeves,jus tt i didn't know exactly what was happening...suspected a little,but stil super confused.
mom said at abt 5 plus tt she n dad n bro r gg out for dinnr w R coz R wana treat them,then ended up when i opened e blindfold,i saw them all.i was surprised to see so many ppl!not only frm CG,many others were there too.hah.the trip to pastor S's house w LW was also a funny one lor.she pretended tt she didn't knw e place wen actually she did...ya lor,thks everyone who was involved in one way or another.i enjoyed myslf loads!thank u so much 4 mkg my bd such a special n memorable one.
thks to all these ppl who came: Pastor S, D, D, R, K, D.L, C, Mom, Dad, R, AA, UC, I, C, R, I, LK, A, AHY, B, C, LW, J, D, S, T..........
thks esp to my 3 gd buddies for planng this whole thing!and to one of my buddy,it's my prayer tt u wil cont to grow closer to God n to find all ways to serve God.u can do it one...jus hv to decide in ur heart tt tt is wat u realy want n go for it.
help me to trust.
Saturday, September 17
thank God for so many things!
3 days ago was exactly my 19th year on earth... i thank God for protecting me thru these yrs.thank God also for all the friends i've made.received sm msgs and sm e-cards frm ppl i did not expect.thanks everyone!this week i managed to meet up with D and Z..miss them so much!and also had a gd dinner w D and M.nxt week gg to meet up w sec sch friends.yup,then on thurs during guitar class,my guitar teacher asked me to sign the form to say tt i've collected my guitar grade 4 exam results....she asked me to sign b4 gvg the results to me.i was quite nervous,was wondering what i'll get.then she gave me the result slip.the examiner's handwriting was so jialat tt both of us had to slowly read thru his comments abt my various songs and scales and the aural 87/100...deproved by a few marks as compared to my previous exam,but i was stil happy coz 85 and above means an honors already (and that's the best).thank God for that!and also wana thank my guitar teacher for helping me thru the exam and teachg me how to make the song nicer and more filled with emotions... =)
i'm gona cont learng guitar and hopefully i can become a guitar teacher 1 day.want to teach others guitar as well as to bring the good news to my guitar students.will this ambition be fulfilled???just have to wait a few more years to see!
help me to trust.
Sunday, September 11
pic of my ah kong

ok.. this is a picture of my grandfather and his 3 adorable grandchildren! we're the only grandchildren he has.... his other 2 children are not married... so that's why we're so precious to him! heh heh.. yup, pray for the salvation of my grandfather ok??? don't have a picture of my grandmother.... but do pray for her salvation as well... thanks!
help me to trust.
Saturday, September 10
i have 2 ppl think tt grandfathers r all e same.well,i can say,definitely not! 2 grandfathers are very very very dad's father is someone rather difficult to get along with.he likes to bring up past issues and he enjoys complaing.whereas my mom's dad is a taxi driver who's really nice to all of us.he wld often pay us visits n wld buy gifts 4 us n he'll give us money when he strikes lottery.e sad thing is tt he is a non's interestg...because he knows my dad is studyg in a Bible sch n tt we're financially he wld help us by gvg me money for my uni educatn n he wld always want to reject my mom's ang bao to him coz he knws our situation.yet on the other hand,my other Christian grandfather(dad's dad),he keeps tellg my dad not to study there any more.he doesn't evn encourage my dad in his as children,we wld of course kinda prefer my mom's dad...haha..ya..but as i think abt it,despite my dad's father's character,i knw tt deep in his heart,he stil loves us all.i rembr tt in the past,he wld also buy things up to my house to give to us.s ppl grow old,they tend to get grumpy n a little unreasonable.recently,e doctor said tt he has "lao ren chi dai zheng" aka dementia...meang tt he wil slowly forget thgs n if it gets really bad,he'll even forgt how to bathe or how to eat.when i knew about this,i thought to myself,i better treasure him and talk to him now when he still can remember me.if nt it's gg to be too late.n for my other grandfather,i'v been tryg many diff ways to bring the gospel to him.i hv copied the gospel in chinese in a letter to him.i've shared w him abt some stds comg to know Christ.i've asked him to come to church.n he said he will la,once he quits his job as a taxi driver then he wld be free on sunday mornings.e nxt thing i'm going to do is to invite him and my grandma for my baptism and i'll share my testimony in hokkein.each time i think of them and knw tt they r not saved,tears wld jus flow out of my eyes.i realy do not want to see them die without knowg's my deepest prayer tt they will cm to knw Christ.
help me to trust.
Wednesday, September 7
short entry
just had a little chat with B. thanks for sharing some stuff and for teaching me some stuff as well... i thank God for you.. let's press on in the work. =)
help me to trust.
Monday, September 5
it will all be worth it
sometimes we get tired.sometimes we get disappointed.sometimes we get discouraged.sometimes we feel that life would be simpler without some things.but we continue to persevere.knowing somewhere deep in our hearts that it will all be worth it.
help me to trust.
Sunday, September 4
just for some fun viewing!

haha... something here just for fun! guess what's this??? it's from a page of a magazine "Motherhood and childcare" (1987 November issue...) that was like 18 years ago! anyway, yup, as you know, being my parents' first child, they tend to get rather excited! so they sent in my photo to the "Cussons Baby Calendar Contest" and guess what? i was one of the winners! heh.... up to you to guess which one is me! haha... happy guessing!
help me to trust.
Saturday, September 3
youth fiesta
today was the long awaited team event that me, D and M had organised. turn up was much lower than expected. and i guess all of us couldn't help it but to be a little disappointed. there were more helpers than students. and well, yeah, like that lor. we prepared for 50 people. but ended up only so few came. R told me that numbers don't really matter, ya.. i mean, i know, but it's definitely kinda disappointing. to all my church friends who came, i wana say, "THANK YOU so much for coming down all the way to help out in this event" i really appreciate all your help and everything. to all the aunties, thanks for preparing all the food. =) ya... will just see how things go at the evaluation on monday. but i'm glad for the few students who came... especially the RV girls. they were so happening and so exciting and so fun to be with. really enjoyed my time with them! yup. no matter what, wana thank God for seeing us through and bringing us through the event. but i think we probably did not work hard enough for our publicity. though i went to do st pub a few times, but there were no sign ups and students just don't seem to wana come. they have their own stuff to do lor. yeah...... ok, that's about it. finally can get a good night's rest!!! =)
help me to trust.