Sunday, July 31
uncle chris got baptised
today uncle C got baptized... thank God that he made this bold step to declare in public that he is a Christian... God has really changed him and gave him purpose in life. Lord, i pray that you'll always guide him on the path of righteousness and that Lord, you'll help him to know more about you and to experience your love. Lord, hold him in your arms and keep him safe i pray. Because of this great occasion, my family and his family (we're relatives) went to marina south for steamboat cum BBQ kinda thing... yummy... we had great food! i'm thinking of baptism too... most probably end of this year... during Christmas. ya, by the way, today in church we had our first YOUTH SUNDAY. meaning that the youths does everything during the service... ranging from musicians to ushers to speaker to announcements to offering to refreshments etc etc... i think it was a good effort put in by everyone. we even wore a t-shirt that cheryl designed.. good job ppl!!!! =)
help me to trust.
Thursday, July 28
O week
today was the first day of NUS FASS O Week... heh.. the OGLs and the seniors and the stale freshies were like totally enthu, but the rest of us just looked totally like sian... we did learn the cheers and we did try to cheer, but i still think our house and our OG is quite nua-ish... nothing excites us.. the games we played during the fac tour wasn't THAT happening.. so we were like kinda bored. did make some new friends.... let me recall... erm, ya, kinda hanged around with WT(O), Cal, LW, and shiang min look alike.. LY. hmm... yeah, they're quite interesting and funny.. got to know some SA peeps too. like IB, K, CL... saw them around in school before but never talked to them.. then as we walked pass different OGs, i saw Cher, YL, WX, Ver, Jolene, Isabel, Cand, etc etc.. so many peeps that i didn't expect to see.. basically, what's in all our minds is the BIDDING. the bidding system is giving many freshies a headache! it's like so chim, and there are so many different things like GEM, Breath, Exposure modules, Faculty requirements, Unrestricted electives, Singapore Studies, duno what else la.. it's just driving many of us crazy... and then we have to make sure that the exam or the lectures do not clash, then we've got 2 accounts i think.. one G, one P or sumthg.. some got protection some don't have... so confusing... that's why i'm getting mic to help me out.. think she's quite pro la, so just asked her to help. yay.. she's coming over to my place tmr to help me sort out the stuff.. thanks mic! yup, that's about it... bidding is troublesome... but come to think of it, it's quite fun, like stock market... or shares or something like that. heh.... =) yeap!
help me to trust.
Tuesday, July 26
the GUITAR exam and the BIRTHDAY boy
wow wow wow... the guitar exam that i have been waiting anxiously for is over!!!! had my guitar exam yesterday at 11:10am.. well, went in and saw the examiner.. he was ok.. not as friendly as the lady who tested me on my previous exam. so he tested me on scales, and i had to play a memorized piece for him. and i totally like played wrongly la. then i kinda started to panic. but thank God, i managed to start at another line and continued on... hope the guy didn't realise what big a mistake it was.... (because he did not even have the piece with him, and what i played was could still blend in with the piece... wasn't totally off key or what) so i went on to play the 3 pieces and the sight reading. all were fine i guess... the aural portion was fine too. heh... thank you God for seeing me through the exam. yesterday was also my brother's birthday. he turned 11. he's only in pri 5 and he's already 150plus cm... really tall for his age. i love him a lot a lot a lot. he's so adorable and what he says sometimes just make me laugh. thank you Ryan for all the smiles, excitement, laughs, and everything that you've brought to my life.
help me to trust.
Saturday, July 23

just spent 2 weeks in C... went to 2 villages... one was SY village and the other was NX village. basically we taught english and we led the youths and kids in some games... they were not as closed to the G as i thought they would be... we managed to share with them the love that we have experienced. as i left the villages, esp the 2nd village, i just felt so sad that i had to leave. at that point in time, i wanted very much to stay with them forever. the lifestyle they live is so carefree and so relaxing. unlike here in singapore. saw the mountains after mountains.... reminded me of God being the creator and the powerful one. he's amazing. just look at the mountains and sing the song "shen she ai", and you'll just start to praise and thank God for being who he is. i'm not sure whether it's just emotions that were high.. but i guess i've really learnt alot from this trip. i have experienced what it means to LOVE the people. wana hear more? i'll share with you personally... above are some pics for u to take a look!
help me to trust.